View Full Version : Aleister Black Has Heated Twitter Exchange With Wrestling News Reporter

09-25-2017, 03:59 PM
NXT star Aleister Black had strong words for a controversial wrestling news reporter regarding women’s wrestling and fans chanting in appropriate things at the female performers. It started when Jimmy Havoc tweeted:

Hey guys! If you shout "Get your tits out" at a show to a girl in the ring, and get called out for it, don't argue your case. You have none.

— Jimmy Havoc (@JimmyHavoc) September 23, 2017

In response to a fan that complained about Havoc’s position, Twitter account @ProWrestlingMag agreed that inappropriate chants like the one Jimmy Havoc referenced have no place in wrestling. Controversial wrestling news reporter Bill Bhatti disagreed, leading to a heated exchange with NXT star Aleister Black.

Why shouldn't men chant it? They have the right to. A large % aren't interested in seeing women wrestle & want them in their eye candy role

— Billi (@BilliBhatti) September 24, 2017

Because it is misogynistic, and if that is you attitude towards woman in 2017 you need to recheck your values and maybe go away. https://t.co/NvwwPvKZWQ

— Devil's Blood (@WWEAleister) September 24, 2017

Stay in your lane. Nobody wants to see the humanitarian gimmick. How about learning some Kayfabe and respecting your own craft?

— Billi (@BilliBhatti) September 24, 2017

I don't think the concept of respect is something you grasp. Also interesting to see that you don't really know what to say to me. https://t.co/BonjMAisuz

— Devil's Blood (@WWEAleister) September 24, 2017

I'll see you in a stripclub in New Orleans next April. I'll buy you a dance to celebrate your NXT Title win. ??

— Billi (@BilliBhatti) September 24, 2017

Aleister Black blasted Bhatti, warning him not to come anywhere close to him in person and calling him a disgrace to the industry.

You won't buy me a damn thing, nor even come close to me, nor say hi, nor try and talk to me. Youre a disgrace to my business. https://t.co/F61mjSlZMH

— Devil's Blood (@WWEAleister) September 24, 2017

Paige sex tape > any Paige wrestling match she's EVER had..

If you don't agree, hand in your man card.

— Billi (@BilliBhatti) September 24, 2017

Bhatti’s Twitter account has since been suspended. Ricochet probably summed up the whole situation best:

This is Billi, Billi sucks. Don't be like Billi. https://t.co/W9nJPrLrJ3

— Ricochet (@KingRicochet) September 24, 2017