View Full Version : Triple H Recalls Informing A WWE Performer She Would Not Be In The Mae Young Classic

09-30-2017, 12:47 PM
Triple H, Stephanie McMahon, Charlotte Flair, Becky Lynch and more appeared on the latest edition of the McMahonsplaining podcast to discuss the importance of WWE’s recent Mae Young Classic tournament.


During the discussions, Triple H told a story about having to tell one WWE performer that they did not have a spot for her in the tournament. He did not name the wrestler in question, but said she’s been training at the Performance Center “for a while.”

“She’s kind of always been on this cusp and the timing has always been wrong,” Triple H said. “And I had to go to her, and I wanted to do it personally because I felt like I owed it to her, to say, ‘I can’t put you in the tournament. You should be in the tournament, but I don’t have the spot for you.’

“To watch her fight the tears and the ultimate disappointment of that, it’s tough, man. That’s a hard thing to do. But you’ve got to keep in mind that you want the opportunity to be the biggest it can across the platform.”