View Full Version : WWE Main Event Results – 10/6/2017

10-08-2017, 06:57 PM

We are in Denver, Colorado and your announcers are Vic Joseph and Nigel McGuinness.

Heath Slater vs Dash Wilder

Wilder goes after Slater when Heath takes off his shirt, but Slater sees it coming and he moves so Wilder goes to the floor. Wilder comes back in and has a kick blocked. Wilder with a shoulder tackle followed by a reverse atomic drop and leg sweep for a near fall. Slater with another near fall and then he applies a front face lock.
Wilder and Slater alternate waist locks. Slater with an elbow but Wilder holds on and hits a backdrop driver. Wilder sends Slater into the corner and kicks him. Wilder with a forearm to the back and he gets a near fall. Wilder chokes Slater in the ropes and the referee warns him. Slater with a kick and punches but Wilder with a punch to the midsection. Slater runs into an uppercut and Wilder gets a near fall.

Wilder sends Slater to the floor and the referee makes his count but Slater gets back to the apron and he connects with a shoulder. Slater goes for a sunset flip but Wilder holds on to the ropes and the referee does not count. Slater gets a near fall with a sunset flip. Wilder with a clothesline and a near fall.

Wilder with a reverse chin lock. Slater with jabs but Wilder gets Slater on his back and sends him down like an accordion into a back breaker. Wilder gets a near fall and then he punches Slater. Slater floats over and gets a rollup for the three count.

Winner: Heath Slater

We have a video package showing the love and respect that Enzo Amore has for the Cruiserweight Division and vice versa.

We go to commercial.

We are back with the reveal of Kalisto’s arrival on 205 Live.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at Braun Strowman versus Seth Rollins, as well as what happened to Dean Ambrose when he tried to help.

We go to commercial.

Noam Dar and Tony Nese vs Lince Dorado and Rich Swann

Dar and Dorado start things off. They lock up and Dorado with a clean break. Dar with a wrist lock and Dorado with a reversal. Dar goes to the floor to regroup. Dorado holds the ropes open for him but Dar does not re-enter at that time. Nese tags in and he kicks Dorado. Dar with a head scissors and drop kick for a near fall.

Dorado with an arm bar and quebrada for a near fall. Swann tags in and he works on the arm. Swann with an arm wringer and Dorado tags in. They connect with a double drop kick to the temples and Dar thinks about getting involved but he stays on the floor. Dorado chops Nese and Dar grabs the leg as Dorado comes off the ropes. Nese with a back elbow as we go to commercial.

We are back and Nese keeps Dorado from making the tag and Dar pulls Swann off the apron. Dorado with a sunset flip on Nese for a near fall. Dorado with the handspring cutter. Swann and Dar tag in and Swann with a forearm and back hell kicks. Swann with a splash for a near fall. Nese kicks Dorado off the apron but Nese is sent to the floor. Dar with a rollup for a near fall. Swann misses a round kick and then hits a back kick.

Swann goes to the turnbuckles but Nese stops him momentarily. Dorado with a rana to Nese on the floor while Swann hits the Phoenix splash and gets the three count.

Winners: Rich Swann and Lince Dorado

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at the Intercontinental Title Match between Roman Reigns and the Miz.

We go to credits.