View Full Version : WWE Officially Announces Signing Of Two New Female Stars

10-16-2017, 07:30 PM
WWE has officially announced the signings of two new female wrestlers to development contracts on Sunday, during their ongoing media tour of India.

The first is Kavita Devi who is the first female Indian wrestler to have officially signed with the company. She took part in the Mae Young Classic Tournament recently and had to say this on her signing:

“It was a privilege to be the first Indian woman to compete in WWE, Participating in the Mae Young Classic with some of the best female performers in the world was a great learning experience. Now I am looking forward to pursuing my dream of becoming the first WWE women’s champion from India.”

The second star who is now officially under contract is Shadia Bseiso. She is the first female Middle Eastern star to have signed with the company. Here is what she had to say on the occasion:

“It is an honor to be the first-ever woman from the Middle East to sign with WWE, I have personally witnessed the power of WWE and the passion of WWE fans.”

Both these stars will report at the Performance Center in Orlando Florida in January next year.