View Full Version : Dash Wilder Takes A Shot At The Young Bucks, Sasha Banks Explains Why She Wants To Face Asuka

10-21-2017, 02:49 AM
WWE Superstar Sasha Banks did an interview with City Pages to promote this weekend’s TLC pay-per-view, which will feature the debut of former NXT Women’s Champion Asuka. “The Legit Boss” explained why she wants a match with Asuka and what it would mean to her:

“I wanna see the Boss versus the Empress of Tomorrow, that’d be amazing,” Banks said. “The match between her and the Legit Boss would prove to the world that I am the greatest NXT Women’s Champion of all time and the greatest women’s wrestler of all time. I say bring it on.”

– Dash Wilder, who has been working matches on WWE Main Event while his partner Scott Dawson recovers from a right bicep injury, took to Twitter to fire some shots at The Young Bucks yesterday. Check it out here:

Forever the Revival ? pic.twitter.com/TDTe8NDcQH

— Mariah May Mead (@mariahmaymead) October 19, 2017

#FTR https://t.co/tNUqS7bEFo

— Dash (@DashWilderWWE) October 19, 2017

Can’t you come up with your own catchphrases?

— Tony (@machinestead) October 19, 2017

We’re trying. Thinking something cool, edgy and new like “Too Sweet.” What you think? ???? https://t.co/98nuTZKzPJ

— Dash (@DashWilderWWE) October 19, 2017

When they say they think they're the "best tag team", they mean it. They truely believe they're better than the bucks. Not even kidding.

— Yana 2XB (@2xbYana) October 19, 2017

Correct. We are. Thank you for the follow. Too Sweet me ?? https://t.co/t65Hptccfc

— Dash (@DashWilderWWE) October 19, 2017

I bet it's so nice that u can too sweet all u want and not worry about a cease-and-desist order cuz I know you're of Triple H is boys

— MELISSA A. KLEIN (@melrko7) October 20, 2017

Yes. I am “of Triple H is boys.”

Not to be confused with “you are one of Triple H’s boys.” https://t.co/vifxhm1WGF

— Dash (@DashWilderWWE) October 20, 2017