View Full Version : WWE 205 Live Heels Try to Recruit, New Bludgeon Brothers Promo, Sin Cara Reacts

10-25-2017, 06:21 PM
– Below is the latest vignette for Erick Rowan and Luke Harper’s return at The Bludgeon Brothers:


– As noted, Sin Cara scored another non-title upset over WWE United States Champion Baron Corbin on this week’s SmackDown, likely leading to a title match between the two on an upcoming blue brand episode. Cara tweeted the following after the match, which Google translates to: “Because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, strength of character; the strength of character, hope”

Porqué sabemos que el sufrimiento produce perseverancia; la perseverancia, entereza de carácter; la entereza de carácter, esperanza 🙏🏻👊🏼 pic.twitter.com/1yTqq3lb5Z

— Sin Cara (@SinCaraWWE) October 25, 2017

– This week’s WWE 205 Live saw Jack Gallagher and Brian Kendrick confront Cedric Alexander and Rich Swann after their win over Tony Nese and Noam Dar. Gallagher noted that they were not here to fight, but to offer an olive branch of peace. Kendrick gave props to Cedric, saying they recognize the cruelty inside of him and because of that, they feel like he has a world of potential. Kendrick added that Cedric will never live up to that potential as long as he’s carrying around the dead weight that is the dancing clown Rich Swann. Gallagher chimed in and said he was in a similar position as Cedric not too long ago, singing and dancing for the people, but it’s true that the people don’t matter.

The segment ended with Kendrick and Gallagher saying they were coming for Swann next week and Cedric can join them if he wants. They told him to think about it over the weekend and if he doesn’t make a decision, they will make one for him. Below is video from the segment:

Is @CedricAlexander going to join forces with @mrbriankendrick and @GentlemanJackG? #205Live @gottagetswann pic.twitter.com/5Mn2q5hzdF

— WWE (@WWE) October 25, 2017