View Full Version : Kevin Owens Responds To Randy Orton’s Shot At His Weight, WWE Superstars At NBA Game

10-29-2017, 06:55 PM
– WWE Superstar Randy Orton recently took to Instagram to take a bit of a shot at Kevin Owens. Orton posted a picture of a meal he got at McDonalds and claimed he needed the calories because he’s training for a feud with Kevin Owens. “KO” was quick to fire back in the comments section of Orton’s photo, saying he’s also preparing for the feud “I watched paint dry today. I’ve got you all figured out.” Check it out:

"Don't judge me @metabolicmeals @1stphorm @emergefitnesstraining I needed the calories. Also I'm training for a potential confrontation with @fightowensfight"

https://scontent-atl3-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/22794142_1468295536557395_2089677361040588800_n.jp g

Kevin Owens the savage. @FightOwensFight pic.twitter.com/0sdkpsIEj9

— Artorias #TeamPete (@ArtoriasDark1) October 28, 2017


– Last night the Los Angeles Clippers had a “WWE Night” in which WWE Cruiserweight Champion Enzo Amore, Intercontinental Champion The Miz, Becky Lynch, and Darren Young were in attendance. Becky Lynch slapped and stepped on the Clippers mascot for getting too close to her while Amore had fun by dancing out on the court.


I said I wouldn’t hit anyone tonight….. I lied. @LAClippers pic.twitter.com/TzFmegp9jD

— Becky Lynch (@BeckyLynchWWE) October 29, 2017
