View Full Version : Massive Heat on NXT Star for Controversial Comments on Emma’s Release

10-30-2017, 03:21 AM
One of NXT’s newest stars, Lio Rush, took to Twitter to comment on WWE releasing Emma earlier today. You can view the now deleted Tweet below:


While he may not have meant harm by the Tweet, current NXT and WWE stars did not approve of it, as they saw it disrespectful to one of their own who just lost their job.

You aint gonna make it here with the wolves, kid.

— Bray Wyatt (@WWEBrayWyatt) October 29, 2017

Apologising because people didn't like your joke, not for joking about someone losing their job. Also, try the English classes at the PC. 👍 https://t.co/tZnaDzqB5K

— Jack A. Gallagher (@GentlemanJackG) October 29, 2017

Wow, kid. Didn’t you just get here? Professionalism goes a long way.

— Peyton Royce (@WWEPeytonRoyce) October 29, 2017

Oh, Lio…. pic.twitter.com/le4V6q059C

— WWE Murphy (@WWE_Murphy) October 29, 2017

To say Rush is in the doghouse with his locker room, would be an understatement.