View Full Version : Longtime Veteran Leaving Impact Soon?, Another Release Revealed, Rockstar Spud

11-02-2017, 09:16 PM
The next Impact departure may be significant as there’s talk of James Storm leaving the company, according to PWInsider. Storm’s current contract expires in January 2018 but the post-Bound For Glory TV tapings next week may be his last dates with the company as they are taping several months worth of episodes.

Storm began working with TNA in 2002 when they launched and with the exception of a brief departure in 2015, that saw him work some WWE NXT dates, has been with the company ever since. Storm has held all major titles while with the company, including the World Heavyweight Title.

We’ve noted how recent Impact departures include referee Robert King, referee Brian Hebner, Marshe Rockett, Rockstar Spud, Taryn Terrell, Eddie Kingston, Robbie E, Jeff Jarrett, Low Ki and Reno Scum.

Knockout MJ Jenkins was also released this week. She reportedly signed a deal back in July but was rarely used.

Regarding Spud’s departure, the former X Division Champion reportedly requested the release and it was granted around three weeks ago.