View Full Version : WWE Main Event Results – 12/1/2017

12-02-2017, 12:22 AM

We are in Knoxville, Tennessee and your announcers are Vic Joseph and Nigel McGuinness.

Apollo Crews (with Titus O’Neil) vs Curt Hawkins

They lock up and Crews sends Hawkins to the mat and Apollo poses. They lock up again and Crews sends Hawkins to the mat again. Curt pushes Apollo and asks if he thinks he is funny and Crews pushes him down and takes Hawkins down with a side head lock. Crews with a shoulder tackle and then he hits a drop kick. Crews with a slam and then he hits a double jump slingshot senton for a near fall.

Crews with a delayed vertical suplex to Hawkins and he tries for a moonsault but Hawkins gets his knees up. Hawkins sends Crews into the turnbuckles and Hawkins kicks Crews. Hawkins with a suplex for a near fall. Hawkins with forearms to the back and a knee to the head. Hawkins with a rear chin lock. Crews punches Hawkins but Hawkins trips Crews as he goes to the floor and he mocks Titus.

Hawkins with a leaping elbow drop and he gets a near fall. Hawkins with a rear head lock. Crews with a kick and punch. Crews with a back heel kick but he misses a boot. Hawkins with a belly-to-back driver. Hawkins goes up top and hits an elbow drop for a near fall. Hawkins sets for a power bomb but Crews with a jackknife cover and a near fall. Crews with a backslide for a near fall. Crews with an enzuigiri followed by the toss power bomb for the three count.

Winner: Apollo Crews

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at Elias challenging Roman Reigns for the Intercontinental Title and the match.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at the in ring debut of Absolution and the in ring debut of the Riott Squad.

We go to commercial.

Kalisto and Gran Metalik vs Brian Kendrick and Jack Gallagher

Kendrick and Metalik start things off and Kendrick has a kick blocked and Metalik with a side head lock. Metalik with a handspring flip but Kendrick avoids him and Kendrick with a boot to the head. Metalik with a clothesline for a near fall. Metalik with a reverse chin lock and Kalisto tags in and kicks Kendrick. Kalisto with a wrist lock and he takes Kendrick to the mat.

Kendrick uses the mask to pull Kalisto down and then he tags in Gallagher who connects with a head butt and hip toss. Kalisto with a kick to the head and a back heel kick. Metalik with an elbow and then Metalik with an assisted leg drop for a near fall. Metalik knocks Kendrick off the apron and then Metalik with an elbow to Gallagher. The referee is distracted and Kendrick pulls Metalik off the apron.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Metalik with an elbow to Kendrick and then Metalik sends Gallagher over the top rope to the floor. Metalik crawls across the ring and makes the tag. Kalisto with a springboard seated splash and a springboard corkscrew kick. Gallagher makes the tag and Kalisto with an enzuigiri and a springboard cross body to Kendrick and Gallagher. Kalisto goes for Salida Del Sol and Gallagher escapes. Kalisto with a suicide dive onto Kendrick and Metalik with an enzuigiri and a springboard elbow drop for the three count.

Winners: Kalisto and Gran Metalik

We see AJ Styles’ handicap match against the Singhs on Smackdown.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at Kane’s night on Raw.

We go to credits.