View Full Version : WWE Officially Confirms Samir Singh’s Injury, Hideo Itami Reacts To Roderick Strong Match-Up

01-31-2018, 08:55 PM
– Samir Singh recently underwent surgery to repair a torn ACL he suffered during a ringside altercation with Bobby Roode. The incident occurred during Jinder Mahal and Roode’s United States Title Tournament Finals clash. There has been no official word on Singh’s return but the usual timetable for an ACL tear return is around 6-9 months. Singh recently took to Instagram to thank Dr. Jeffrey Dugas after undergoing surgery in Alabama:

"A big thank you to Dr. Jeff Dugas and the entire medical staff at St. Vincent’s in Birmingham, Alabama for taking care of me this week and getting me back on the road to recovery. Much love🙏🏼"

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WWE finally acknowledged the injury yesterday during SmackDown Live, and also released the following statement:

Samir Singh suffers injury

Samir Singh revealed on Instagram that he recently suffered a torn ACL and will be out of action.

Singh underwent surgery last week and is already rehabilitating for his return to the ring.

Stay tuned to WWE.com and Singh’s social media for more news on his recovery as it becomes available.

– Hideo Itami will be taking on former NXT Superstar Roderick Strong in the first round of the new WWE 205 Live tournament. The tournament will last up to WrestleMania 34 where a new Cruiserweight Champion will be crowned. Itami took to Twitter to comment on his match-up with Strong:

It is MY turn.
I’m going to get this opportunity.#205Live #Cruiserweight championship tournament.

See you next week @roderickstrong pic.twitter.com/aasQDahnXq

— Hideo Itami / ???? (@HideoItami) January 31, 2018