View Full Version : Latest Rumor On Dolph Ziggler’s Career With WWE

02-12-2018, 06:59 PM
Despite winning the US Title, Dolph Ziggler has not had the best of times in WWE recently. There have been multiple rumors about him leaving WWE, which were only supported by his attitude on social media and at live shows.

In his celebration of winning the US Title, he left it in the ring, sparking off new rumors in the WWE Universe that he’s leaving. We’re still left with the question, why would anyone do this?

However the latest rumor and speculation to have hit the WWE Universe comes from an independent wrestler known as Bin “The Hacker” Hamin. On The Locker Room Podcast, Hamin claims that Ziggler has signed a very lucrative new contract with WWE. Unfortunately, The Hacker’s source hasn’t been named, leaving this information questionable at best.

“Here’s the inside scoop that I’ve kinda been told. After Ziggler laid down the title and went away for 30 days, silently came back as #30 in the Rumble, and then tossed out kinda useless. He was already kinda two feet out the door, and it was at the 11th hour that they made him another offer he can’t refuse.”

According to The Hacker, Ziggler’s new contract includes a very large sum of money, enough to make Dolph stay and continue his role in putting people over. But there are 2 other clauses to this rumored new contract that would make this deal even more inviting for Ziggler.

Freedom to leave a show immediately after his commitments are met.
Freedom to engage with outside projects that don’t conflict with his WWE schedule.

If the source turns out to be accurate, Ziggler will see himself as more of a free agent; it seems ideal for him.