View Full Version : RAW Results - 9th Oct 2006 (Season Premiere)

Dangerous Incorporated
10-10-2006, 04:58 AM
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Event: WWE Monday Night RAW 'Family Reunion' Results
Airdate: Monday, October 9th, 2006
Location: The Colonial Center in Columbia, SC
Results by PowerWrestling.com

WWE RAW Opener:

The new Raw opening aired with an altered Raw logo and new graphic package. The fresh look was needed, and the new opening has really good energy. They went to a full pryo display as Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler introduced the show from ringside. They threw to Michael Cole and JBL to their right. Cole plugged the obligatory "big six-man tag team match" from the Smackdown brand. Joey Styes and Tazz then introduced themselves and said it's great to be on Raw even though they are more extreme than the rest.

In the arena:

John Cena made a full ring intro as they showed clips of last week's cage match between Cena and Edge. He thanked the fans, then said that was all and pretended to leave. He stopped and said he had a message for his good buddy Edge. He said, "Damn it feels good to say the champ is still here." King Booker interrupted. JBL chimed in and said that is a real king, aiming his comment at Jerry Lawler. Cole said Booker retained his World Hvt. Title last night at No Mercy, even though Batista did most of the damage leading to the winning pinfall. Booker entered the ring with Sharmell. He said, "Correct. A champ, but not thee champ." He said the champion of champions resides on Samckdown. He told Cena that last time he appeared on the show, he made him bow down and kiss his feet. Booker said Cena probably doesn't remember. Cena, mocking Booker's fake British accent, said he did remember. He told Booker he's crazy, then said he's feeling "frisky," so he challenged him to a fight right there. Booker began to ready himself for a fight by removing his jacket. As they squared off, Big Show's music interrupted.

Big Show walked out with the ECW Hvt. Title belt. Styles said if you want to talk about "champion of champions," he said Show is the only person to hold the ECW, WCW, and WWE world titles. Show said Cena is a "white guy who talks like he's black" and a black guy who "talks like Prince Charles." Cena said, "Whatchu talkin' about, Willis." Cena will never be cool with comebacks like that. Booker said, "I beg your pardon." Show said he's the one guy who is what he says he is. Cena said, "Oh, you're wrong. You have never referred to yourself as the Michelin Man." He said he is the most dominant champion standing in the ring, "pound for pound" (whatever that means). When Cena said Andre is the true giant, Big Show said, "Andre isn't here, but if he was, I'd kick his ass, too."

Show mocked Cena's movie and said he starred in a movie that drew 183 million worldwide, "Waterboy." He bragged about doing all of his takes on the first try. Booker said, "You were in that movie all of 43 seconds. I have taken morning constitutionals longer than that." When Booker said, "You wanna talk about champions who define cinema, who starred in a classic," Cena jumped in, "You mean Hulk Hogan in Mr. Nanny." It was as if Booker didn't know Cena was going to interrupt, as he just rolled right over the line. He recommended they go out and buy a movie of the greatest movie of all time, "Ready to Rumble!" Show and Cena broke into uproarious laughter. Cena said, "Everybody here knows that movie was a piece of crap." Cena said with three champions in the ring, why are they talking about movies. He then jumped Show. Booker joined in. Show cleared the ring of both of them quickly.


Ross plugged Triple H & Shawn Michaels vs. Trevor Murdoch & Lance Cade in a street fight later. Cole plugged Chavo & Finlay & William Regal vs. Batista & Bobby Lashley & Rey Mysterio. Lawler plugged Umaga vs. Kane.


They went backstage to Coach, Teddy Long, and Paul Heyman yelling at each other.

Back on RAW:

Heyman told Coach and Long that Big Show "demonstrated his dominance" over the other champions and showed he can't be beat. Coach suggested they put Show against a man who's been on a roll lately, Jeff Hardy. Heyman said that was a deal provided the other two champs also wrestle. Heyman said his opponent for King Booker would be Rob Van Dan. Long said he had an opponent for Cena. Coach suggested Cena vs. Miz. Long said no way. He said it would be Cena vs. Undertaker. Think of what WWE asked its fans to pay to see last night and what this line-up on basic cable could have drawn instead with weeks of build-up.

Loser Leaves RAW
Referee: Chad Patton
Kane vs. Umaga

Kane and Umaga trade blows to start. Kane hits a clothesline in the corner. Umaga charges out with one of his own and kicks Kane on the ground. Umaga chops Kane in the corner. Kane hits some uppercuts and rights. Umaga counters with a head butt. Kane blocks a charge in the corner and throws Umaga into the ringpost. Kane is thrown off the top when he goes for a top rope clothesline. Commercial. Umaga is pounding Kane in the corner upon return from the break. Whipsplash is blocked as Kane grabs Umaga's neck for a chokeslam. Umaga counters with a belly to belly suplex. Kane sits up, but Umaga hits a facebuster. Umaga goes to the top rope and hits a Superfly Splash. Umaga does not go for the pin. He gets ready to give the spike, but Kane grabs his arm and goes for a chokeslam. Umaga gets out but Kane hits a sidewalk slam. Kane goes to the top and gets the clothesline. Estrada distracts Kane and then hits him with his wooden box carrying the victory cigar, allowing Umaga to hit the Samoan Spike and get the pin.

Winner - Umaga

The Aftermath:

Kane stood up. Ros said that was the last they've seen of Kane on Raw. Lawler said he couldn't believe it. The fans chanted "Kane, Kane, Kane" a few times. Kane pensively walked toward the back. Ross said the question now is when or where will they see Kane again.

In the arena:

College football coach Steve Spurrior was introduced in the front row by Lillian Garcia.


They cut backstage to Kane walking toward his locker room. The Highlanders stopped him and said even though he lost, he put his heart and soul into everything he ever did on Raw. He said they've been honored to be part of the same show as them. He attacked both of them, throwing them against the wall. Then he exited the arena in his wrestling gear.


Triple H and Shawn Michaels stood in front of a podium with DX spray painted on it. Michaels said WWE has demanded they apologize to a list of individuals. Hunter rolled his eyes like a teenage girl who was told to stop talking on her cell phone during dinner. Michaels first apologized to the entire tag team division. Hunter said, "Honestly, there really wasn't a tag team division for us to decimate." Michaels apologized to Spirit Squad. Hunter said, "We couldn't make those guys look any more like ferries if we tried." Michaels apologized to Coachman. Hunter just looked at him. Michaels threw that card away. He did the same with Chris Masters. Michaels then apologized to Edge for costing him his last chance to win the title. Hunter said he wasn't really going to win anyway. The last card was an apology to Cade & Murdoch for beating them within an inch of their lives. Hunter said that hasn't happened yet. It will happen later. Michaels asked what do they do now. Hunter said they're supposed to be cutting a promo on live TV. Michaels acted shocked they were live on TV. They both made scared faces and turned to the camera, making faces like Hurley on "Lost." Then they plugged their merchandise again and said they had two words. The crowd chanted, "Suck it!" Ugh.


They showed Jeff Hardy heading toward the entrance.

Non Title Match
Referee: Scott Armstrong
The Big Show (c) vs. Jeff Hardy (c)

Hardy goes right for the legs. Show headbutts him and hits a chop in the corner. Hardy is tossed like a frisbee. Another chop by Show. Show lifts him up and Hardy fights back, but Show clotheslines him. Show slams Hardy in front of the turnbuckle and goes for a splash from the middle rope. Hardy moves out of the way and punches Show. A dropkick to the leg knocks Show over. He goes for the Twist of Fate, but Show dumps Hardy outside. Hardy immediately climbs to the top and hits Whisper in the Wind to knock Big Show over. He connects with the Swanton for a two count. Show comes back with the Cobra Clutch Backbreaker and Hog Lock (which is now called the Showstopper) for the victory.

Winner, the ECW Heavyweight Champion, The Big Show

The Aftermath:

Johnny Nitro comes in post match and beats up Hardy. Show comes back in and hits a Cobra Clutch Backbreaker on Nitro and tosses him like a rag doll.

In the arena:

Lillian gave the details of the anything goes match before DX came out in jeans and DX sleeveless t-shirts. HBK gave Hunter the mic. Hunter started to do the Michael Buffer intro, but he name dropped Vince McMahon. He said Vince is the only guy they really did anything wrong to so they feel bad about it. They wanted to buy him a present, but they just couldn't find one big enough to satisfy Vince. He said he had a revelation since they were in South Carolina and he introduced a giant picture of the Gamecock mascot, Cocky. The fans cheered. Hunter wanterd to know where Cocky was. HBK said Cocky couldn't make it because the school didn't feel as if Cocky being associated with DX would be in the best interest of the mascot. The fans chanted, "Game...Cock...Game...Cock" as if it were Saturday night football. Hunter clarified the situation that he's the Game and that's a cock, referring to the picture of Cocky. Hunter proceeded to make several penis and masturbation jokes. HBK was cringing throughout this. They wrapped up the intro then Cade and Murdoch came out. "The South Carolina Gamecocks will never be the same," Ross said.

Street Fight
Referee: Michael Chioda
D-Generation X vs. Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch

This looked like a scene out of The Wrestler with Dusty and Murdoch in the bar. Cade and Murdoch dominated early on. They whipped HBK across the back after slamming Hunter head-first into the Raw announce table ringside. DX made a comeback then Hunter decked his twin, Cade,with a chair shot at 4:00. HBK then back body dropped Murdoch and his Arizona blue jeans over the top rope to the floor. Hunter then set up a table ringside. Hunter battled Murdoch then placed him on the table. HBK, who was up top, flew onto Murdoch and crashed through the table. Murdoch tried to brace himself just before impact. In the ring, DX double teamed the bloody Cade. HBK warmed up the band with his cowboy boots on. He landed Sweet Chin Music then Hunter dropped Cade with the Pedigree. He made the cover for the win. DX celebrated as Ross and Lawler discussed the beating on Cade and Murdoch.

Winners - D-Generation X


Edge and Lita were watching the show backstage on a monitor. Todd Grisham hesitantly approached Edge and Lita about DX costing him his title match last week. Edge said there is no question about it and he would have answers to all the questions on the returning Cutting Edge. It's about time. Edge shoved Grisham aside then left with Lita.

In the arena:

Shelton Benjamin stormed to the ring and said there's no way WWE is having a card in his hometown without him. He quickly turned heel by saying he's embarrassed by his hometown and he's really from Minneapolis. He challenged anyone to the back to get to the ring and have a match. Chris Benoit walked out.

Referee: Marty Rabulcaba
Shelton Benjamin vs. Chris Benoit

Michael Cole said Benoit returned from his sabbatical after being sick of sports entertainment. Shelton caught Benoit with a side slam early on. The Raw and SD announces argued over each other then Ross plugged his website and JBL plugged Fox News. Cole said he has nothing to plug. "That's what your wife says," JBL said. Benoit snapped off successive German Suplexes then went for the diving headbutt, but Shelton moved. Benoit caught Shelton out of nowhere with the Crossface. Shelton fought it for a few moments before tapping out.

Winner - Chris Benoit


Teddy Long and Heyman were sitting on a couch backstage. Long praised Benoit for winning. Coach then interrupted and brought in Super Crazy to put over the Raw brand. Coach asked if Raw was the best brand. "Si," Crazy said. Teddy then asked Crazy about getting his WWE start on Smackdown and if that makes Smackdown the best brand. "Si," Crazy said. Heyman then reminded Crazy that he got his start in America wrestling in ECW and if that makes ECW the best brand. "Si," Crazy said. He then spoke in English about all three brands offering action, drama, and suspense for all fans. Teddy took off his glasses in shock. "You speak English?" he asked. "Si," Crazy said. He then walked off. Cole said he was on Smackdown all that time and Teddy never knew he spoke English. JBL said he just didn't care.

Six Man Tag Team Match
Referee: Nick Patrick
Chavo Guerrero, Finlay and William Regal vs.
Batista, Bobby Lashley and Rey Mysterio

Cole made a case that Booker lucked out to retain the title last night. Bischoff said he's worse than Bischoff in re-writing history. Rey and Chavo started things off. Rey cleared Chavo to the outside with a head scissors. Finlay and Regal inexplicably walked to the corner as Rey was perched on top. They caught him in mid-air, but Rey turned a dicey situation into a dual huricanrana. He then set up for a double 619, but they slipped to the outside. Rey went for a baseball slide on Finlay, but Finlay pulled up the apron and Rey disappeared inside the apron. The heels quickly kicked Rey through the apron before Lashley and Batista shooed away the heels and checked on Rey. "I'll knock your head off!" Finlay screamed at Batista before they faded to a Burger King commercial. They showed clips from during the break when the leprechaun attacked Rey. JBL speculated as to whether the subhuman leprechaun has parents.

In the ring, the heels took turns working over Rey. He rolled through a corner move and kicked Chavo in the face. Rey crawled to his corner and made the tag to Batista, but the referee didn't see it so he disallowed the tag. That spot has been done too many times lately. Rey dropped Chavo with a bulldog out of the wheelbarrow position then Batista took the hot tag. He cleaned house then stacked up Finlay and Regal in the corner. Batista slammed Finlay onto Regal with a powerslam then gave Chavo the Jackhammer. After Finlay and Regal broke up a pin, Lashley speared both men. Rey then gave Chavo a huricanrana and Chavo just stumbled over to the ropes so Rey could hit the 619. Batista quickly dropped Chavo with a spinebuster. Rey then came off the top with a frog splash for the win. JBL, the heel announcer, was indignant that Rey would disservice Eddie's name by using the frog splash. Cole, the babyface announcer, said it was paying respect.

Winners - Batista, Bobby Lashley and Rey Mysterio

In the arena:

Lillian Garcia introduced Fabulous Moolah and Mae Young. They walked out on stage. Mae needed a walker to walk out on stage. No crazy skits?


Booker and Sharmell were backstage. Booker said he must face this rogue, Cena. He said that when he was originally on Raw, he was a lowly peasant trying to make the commoners happy. Booker said he went to "Smackethdown" and became champion of the world. He said he must prove to the world that he is the champion of champions by beating RVD. Sharmell did All Hail.

Women's Championship Tournament Match
First Round Lumberjack Match
Referee: Marty Rabulcaba
Melina vs. Torrie Wilson

Before the match started, all the divas participating in strip poker tomorrow night came out as lumberjacks. Trinity covered her breasts with Caution tape. "That's an interesting top," Ross said. He then said viewer discretion is advised for ECW tomorrow night. Melina wasn't happy being upstaged by the divas. Torrie knocked Melina to the outside and the lumberjills attacked her. Then, Melina returned the favor and the divas helped Torrie back into the ring. "I think Torrie just got groped," Ross said. "Do they have a law about that in South Carolina? Is same sex groping OK?" Back in the ring, Melina screamed at attacked Torrie, but she came back with a neckbreaker for a nearfall. All of a sudden, the other announcers chimed in. Melina then rolled up Torrie off the ropes after Krystal distracted Torrie. Melina hooked the underwear for the win.

Winner - Melina

The Aftermath:

Afterwards, Torrie gave Krystal the self-thong stink face. The babyface divas celebrated in the ring.

Non Title Match
Referee: Jim Korderas
Rob Van Dam vs. King Booker (c)

Booker worked on RVD in the corner early on. The fans chanted "R-V-D". The ECW and SD announcers began arguing. Well, actually, it was Tazz and JBL. Tazz said he's short, which is why he didn't get his break here. He then told JBL to stop getting himself over and get the guys in the ring over. JBL told Tazz that he spent five years on SD getting himself over. They continued to argue before Cole tried to reel the commentary back to the match. RVD, with a bloody mouth, rallied out of a reverse chinlock and dropped Booker with a back kick. He then went up top, but Sharmell shoved him to the mat while Booker distracted the referee. Booker then hit the Axe kick on RVD for the win.

Winner, the World Heavyweight Champion, King Booker

Cryme Tyme:

Cryme Tyme video package time. They were training in the gym for their debut next week. They recapped the previous few weeks of segments. The voice over man commentated on Gaspar doing a military press with a Caucasian female. JTG did rowing exercises with her legs.


Mitch of Spirit Squad was backstage. He said he has a confession to make that he sucks. He said that's all changing tonight because he's going to beat Flair tonight. He said he's going to do it with help from Squad.


Coach, Heyman, and Long argued over who has the better night tonight. Vince McMahon walked in and shook hands with everyone. Coach tried to kiss ass. McMahon over-did his greeting. What was that talk to Grisham on Byte This all about? The three not-so-wise men argued who had the better champion then Vince called for silence. He booked a triple threat match between each brand's champion at the Cyber Sunday PPV. The not-so-wise men were dumbfounded then went silent.

Referee: Jack Doan
Ric Flair vs. Mitch

Squad was already in the ring when Flair came out. He then called down for help. First was Piper then DiBiase and I.R.S. as Money Inc. Flair then called down Arn Anderson. The classic Horsemen theme played as Anderson soaked up the moment with four fingers in the air. Ross said he had goosebumps. The fans roared. Some of the remaining members of a generation who had to draw a gate to earn a check. The producers chased Squad to the back then Mitch landed a thumb to the eye on Flair to start the match. Flair quickly made his comeback then applied the Figure Four on Mitch, who tapped out. The producers celebrated in the ring as the fans roared again.

Winner - Ric Flair

The Cutting Edge

Edge ‘welcomed’ us to the show and introduced his guest, Randy Orton.

Edge said Orton impressed him. He said he impressed him in 2004 when he became the youngest champ in WWE history. He said since then though, he’s done nothing. He pointed out that he had been involved in some big matches, but lost all of them. He said for two years straight he had dropped the ball.

Orton said he’d drop him if he didn’t get to the point in two seconds. He said it could all be traced back to one moment and replayed the footage. The footage of Randy Orton getting assaulted by Triple H and the rest of Evolution aired. Wow, they’re finally bringing this all together.

Edge asked him if he remembered it but that Triple H’s selfishness cost him everything. He said Orton had tried but facts were facts. He said he wouldn’t usually care but things come around in odd ways and they replayed the footage of Triple H and Shawn Michaels interfering in his championship match. He said HBK cost him the WWE Championship. He said he was the same guy who taught Triple H how to be so selfish.

He said DX made some cute little jokes a little while ago because they think Orton and him were jokes. He said he called him out here tonight because it was he and Orton who should own this show, have all the championships and be the present and future of the industry not a tired old act from a decade ago.

He said they could throw down right now, OR they could join up and take a stand against DX and take back their championships, lives, and careers. He said the ball was in his court. Orton paced for a little while, while the crowd chanted RKO. Orton said as far as DX running the show was concerned, he had two words for them; it’s over. He shook hands with Edge and the alliance has been formed.

John Cena v. The Undertaker

The two circled it up and the crowd was hot. Taker hit a boot to the gut and rushed the champion to the corner and began choking the life out of him. Taker followed Cena to the buckles but got caught quick and Cena went to work on the dead man. Take grabbed hold and tossed Cena right back into the corner and chopped Cena to pieces with rights and lefts.

Cena began to fire back with some shots of his own before getting flattened by a Taker big boot. Taker worked over the arm of Cena and took him to the ropes for old school. Cena cut the Dead Man off before he could walk across the ropes and went fishing for a super plex but was shoved off. Cena, like a pit bull, kept at Taker and went to the well again and this time hit the spot. Cena went for the cover but only got two.

Taker whipped Cena into the ropes and caught him in a bear hug. Cena began planted a shoulder block after fighting out of the hold and went for the five knuckle shuffle but got snagged as soon as he bent over. Cena fought out of the choke slam attempt but got caught with a knee to the gut while in the ropes.

Taker went for the back body drop but got caught napping and Cena hit a DDT. Taker went for a power slam but Taker countered into a tombstone. Cena wiggled out and went for the FU but Taker grabbed the eyes. Taker connected with a big choke slam but had to head off King Booker and Big Show.

Winner: John Cena via DQ

Once he took care of those two, he rolled to the outside only to be met by Mr. Kennedy, whom he chased to the back.

Big Show and King Booker went to work over Cena but both got hit with an FU and Big Show got clamped in the STFU for their efforts. We went off the air with Cena celebrating as he left up the ramp.

by Ryan Clark

10-10-2006, 07:06 PM
Cena vs Taker was gud 2 wtch

the phenomenal sid
10-10-2006, 08:15 PM
awesome show..:D where are the mcmahons & all?