View Full Version : The Miz Angered by Elimination Chamber Ad, Paige Responds to Body Shaming

02-25-2018, 11:08 PM
The Elimination Chamber hasn’t begun and The Miz already feels as if he’s been slighted. The Intercontinental champion will participate in the men’s EC match tonight (Feb. 25). The winner will receive a shot at Brock Lesnar’s WWE Universal Championship at WrestleMania.

While The Miz has his spot secured, he isn’t exactly feeling the love from the promotional side of things. Upon his arrival in Las Vegas, Miz saw an ad for the EC pay-per-view. The problem? Not only is The Miz not on the ad, but Dean Ambrose is featured despite not even being on the card.

Walk into the Las Vegas airport and this is what I see….12 years with WWE, at the top of my game and still I get no respect. Fuels my fire. pic.twitter.com/aKOHHYjSaz

— The Miz (@mikethemiz) February 25, 2018


– Paige has had a rough go with her career as of late. While being sidelined with an injury, reports spread on the toxicity of her prior relationship with Alberto Del Rio. Then, footage leaked of Paige engaging in sexual activities with other wrestlers.

Ready to bounce back and put the negativity behind her, Paige returned to the ring but it was short-lived. She suffered an injury following a kick to the back by Sasha Banks at a house show. Reports surfaced claiming that Paige will not be cleared to compete in the WWE going forward.

Now, the former WWE Divas champion is dealing with body shaming. Paige fired back at people poking fun at her weight on Instagram:

"When the internet society keeps saying "she got fat" "Paige got big" "Paige is a big girl now" I post another full body selfie. 😘 I'm just shoving a middle finger up in the air to body shamers. Being in the public eye can be hard when people out there are jealous and just want to make you feel bad about yourself to make them feel better about themselves. I was too skinny, now I'm considered too big. It's ridiculous. But I'm happy. People of all shapes and sizes are beautiful. Be confident. You don't have to be in the public eye to be cyber bullied. Just being on social media in general can generate the worst hate sometimes. But you know when you have haters.. that means you're doing something right. Tag me in your selfie today to show me how beautiful you all are. Plus the trolls will hate it and they'll see that you're confident in yourself and know you're beautiful. 😘🙏🏻🤘🏻🖖🏻 this isn't a Pity party post. This is just to show the world we don't care what they think! #EveryHumanDeservesRespect"

https://scontent-atl3-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/7d0a89aafe0c5c26b423c38cb1c88457/5B14FE68/t51.2885-15/e35/28154559_1508203925959215_4453408274477219840_n.jp g