View Full Version : Big Show Update Following Retirement Reports

03-06-2018, 10:33 PM
Big Show posted a cryptic message on Instagram amidst reports that he will not be returning to WWE as an active competitor.

https://scontent-atl3-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/7b765e3e1674bece610b474b835f80f0/5B312637/t51.2885-15/e35/28427513_1951387188512114_2660222865340628992_n.jp g

During a recent interview with SportingNews, the 7-foot giant spoke about his career winding down and certainly sounded like it was the end of the road for him.

“No last matches, no fanfare, just ride off into the sunset and disappear,” he said. “That’s more my style. I’ll find something else to do that is inspiring—and let these new kids take the business and the reigns and let them build the future.”

Big Show has done it all in WWE since joining the promotion back in 1999. The 4-time WWE Champion recently got himself into the best shape of his career, but has been off television since undergoing back surgery in September 2017.

He told SportingNews, “I’ve had a great career and I’m really thankful for everyone I’ve worked with, but everything comes to an end.”