View Full Version : Austin Aries On Alberto El Patron Missing Impact vs. Lucha Underground Event

04-19-2018, 05:21 PM
While Alberto El Patron did not wrestle in any major event during the WrestleMania weekend this year, he still found his way to the headlines by no-showing the Impact vs. Lucha Underground event.

During a recent interview with WrestlingInc, Austin Aries who was supposed to be part of the original tag team main event of the show along with El Patron talked about him missing the event.

Aries claimed that the former WWE Champion’s no-show did not affect the revamped Triple Threat main event as both his opponents Rey Fenix and Pentagon Jr. were very talented.

When asked about the backstage reaction to Alberto missing the show, Austin said that initially, he wasn’t very concerned and revealed that they realized his absence after the show had started:

“With him being a professional such as he is and everybody else involved, I wasn’t overly concerned, but as the event was going I did inquire if anybody had seen him or where his location was, and that’s when we realized that he hadn’t arrived yet,”

For those who don’t know, Alberto El Patron was supposed to main event the Impact vs Lucha Underground event teaming with Pentagon Jr. to face Austin Aries and his partner Rey Fenix.

However, he no-showed the event, forcing the management to change the bout into a Triple Threat match among the other three participants of the announced tag match.

Impact ended up releasing Alberto El Patron shortly after this and there have been conflicting reports on why he missed the event. Reports say that Alberto told officials he was ill while in an interview he claimed the reason to be an undisclosed family situation.