View Full Version : Vader Back In The Hospital

04-22-2018, 03:29 PM
Former WCW World Heavyweight Champion Vader recently underwent open heart surgery in Dallas, Texas and left the hospital last weekend to begin his rehab. Vader recently took to Twitter to offer an update to fans, and revealed that he’s back in the hospital with a case of pneumonia:

I Am officially out of the HOSPITAL and in rehab Its a long ROAD BK from here to the RING WISH ME LUCK!!!!

— Big Van Vader (@itsvadertime) April 13, 2018

Im in Rehab working hardStarting to feel like my old self THE HUMAN BODY IS TRULY A MIRACLE IT HAS AN AMAZING POWER TO HEAL https://t.co/GNg40ycWef

— Big Van Vader (@itsvadertime) April 19, 2018

Damn I have bad news Iam bk in the https://t.co/1oYCjG1pNF pain is thru the roof and they say I have pneumonia.Cant breath.But Iam still fighting VADER TIME

— Big Van Vader (@itsvadertime) April 19, 2018