View Full Version : Off Air/live Reports From Raw - 9/10/06

Dangerous Incorporated
10-10-2006, 10:41 PM
http://img245.imageshack.us/img245/3143/3460236wd3.jpg (http://imageshack.us)

Last night's RAW was awesome live. Yes the matches were short, but you got to see almost every top performer in the company. The only three I wanted to see but didn't was Sabu, CM Punk, and Carlito. This is definitely USC and Flair Country. Gamecocks chants throughout the whole night. The only empty seats were the section behind the hard camera which was about 2/3 full in that section. Of course, it is a small arena. Batista had the biggest reaction (even bigger than DX) until Flair and his friends came out. Why these people cheer for him is beyond me. I only like his entrance. Undertaker's entrance is the best in the company and the best live as I got goose bumps when he came out. Flair was over huge of course, but with Piper and Arn Anderson surprises got really big pops. I am glad Arn got that huge pop because I always thought that he was better than history remembers him as.

During commercials, they had a t-shirt guy who got booed, many DVD packages, some troops packages, kiss cam, and trivia with one guy wearing a Clemson shirt who got the biggest heel heat of the night.

Great show live except the fans didn't join me in any chants I tried to start such as ECW, Cena Sucks, CM Punk, etc.. One thing I did notice that Cena was cheered for his entrance, then the crowd was split during his match. But he is definitely over one way or the other and his definitely a star.


1. Flair and his friends
2. Batista (why?)
3. DX
4. Cena
5. Kane (Yes that's right, maybe because he has been around a while???)


1. Guy with Clemson shirt on
2. Edge
3. Melina (especially when she picked up the mic)
4. King Booker
5. Big Show (until he beat up Nitro)

Brady sent this report.

The show live was awesome, with all the mixed brand matches and the some what 'unexpectedness.'

Dark Match:

Masters & Haas vs. Eugene & Hacksaw
- USA chants were loud, popped for the win, nothing special, Masters has really slimmed down from when I saw him in Atlanta in April.

Raw Matches:

Umaga vs. Kane (loser leaves raw)
- Pretty good pop for Kane, we all pretty much knew Umaga wasn't going to lose. After match Kane stood up and everyone chanted "Thank you Kane."

Big Show vs. Jeff Hardy
- Hardy was way over with the crowd and one of the loudest pops of the night came when Hardy hit the Swanton Bomb. Big Show picked up the win and Nitro came through the crowd, looked like he spent a little to much time rolling around in the tanning oil.

DX vs. Lance Cade & Murdoch
- DX was way over with the crowd, more DX signs then any other signs. The skit about "cocky" was pretty funny but a little long, we were all laughing pretty hard. Pretty neat spot they had with HBK using the table, popped for the pedigree and the finish.

Benoit vs. Shelton Benjamin
- Benjamin got a decent pop because he was a South Carolina native, but everyone was right, I think I was one of the few that actually heard him dis the state of South Carolina, so he messed up that spot. Benoit got a nice spot, predictable ending, but it was good to see Benoit back.

Batista, Lashley, Rey vs. Finlay, Regal, Chavo
- The babyfaces were way over, all got huge pops, surprising since it was a Raw event and a 6 man Smackdown tag. Good match for the most part. Why does Vickie have to come out?? I don't understand that, shes needs to stay out of the ring area. Anyways, babyfaces got the win, they stayed in the ring for a little whole during commercial and we all cheered. Lashley is a beast!

Melina vs. Torrie Wilson
- Not much here, only comments would be, it was a typical women's match, the right girl won. Man they are some good looking women. Loved the spot with Torrie in the corner, got a good pop.

King Booker vs. RVD
- Although I don't like the "All hail King Booker" deal, it really does draw some serious heat. People were booing the hell out of this guy and Queen Sharmell. Pretty fun match, would have loved to see the 5 star frog splash but obvious Booker was going to win. Booker has some serious heat, and his act is kind of funny, yet very annoying.

Flair vs. Mitch
- We knew we would probably see Flair since we were close to Flair country. VERY UNEXPECTED when the 4 horsemen came out, that got a huge pop and even a standing ovation from Steve Spurrier himself. Quick match, with the figure 4 leg lock. Flair got a huge pop.

Main Event
John Cena vs. The Undertaker
- The Undertaker's entrance is amazing in person and he got one of if not the biggest pop of the night. This matched seemed a bit rushed since it didn't start until about 10:58. Crowd was very into Cena as well, and broke out into a "Cena, Cena, Cena" chant. It seems like he really is getting his crowd back a bit, as he got a really big pop when he opened the show. It seemed like everyone hated the finish with all of the interference but was nice to see Cena come out on top making Show tap out to the STFU and getting the FU on Booker. It is Cena's show, so you've got to figure he was going to get the nod at the end.

Few Notes:

This was an amazing show, being on the railing right next to JBL made it that much better. Here are a few interesting notes that took place live with the crowd etc.

- During the Umaga vs Kane match, there was a sign that said "Umaga Fears Joe" referring to Samoa Joe obviously. The head of security guy was pissed and had another event staff guy remove the sign.

- I was sitting right behind/next to JBL and it was interesting to see some notes that JBL and Cole were writing back and forth. During Edge's segment with Orton, JBL wrote "Edge is really good" and Cole wrote back "He gets it now." I'm not the biggest Edge fan, but he is nasty on the stick and should stay at the top of the company.

Biggest Pops (tough call):

1.) Flair, Undertaker, DX, 4 Horsemen were all way up there
2.) Cena, Batista, Lashley, Rey
3.) Kane, Benoit, RVD, Hardy

Most Heat:

1.) Edge
2.) Booker
3.) Melina