View Full Version : WWE Star Suffers Minor Injury On SmackDown Live

05-09-2018, 08:16 PM
There was one WWE Superstar who unfortunately suffered a minor injury this week.

As seen on this week’s episode of SmackDown Live in Baltimore, MD at the Royal Farms Arena on the USA Network, former WWE Tag Team Champion Xavier Woods took on former RAW Tag Team Champion Cesaro in a singles match.

During the match, Cesaro connected with a devastating uppercut to Woods that had him bleeding from his mouth. After the show, Woods decided to take to his official Instagram account to reveal that as a result of taking that uppercut, it made him bite his tongue and that’s the reason he was bleeding so much.

Woods wrote the following in the caption of this post on his account: “As a result of a nasty uppercut from @wwecesaro I have one hole and two partials in my tongue. Eating/talking the next few weeks should be fun.”

https://scontent-atl3-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/fe174147545cfa78423f9aca9a06871a/5B8CBEA1/t51.2885-15/e35/31326461_1971246539560893_6247883672746196992_n.jp g

05-10-2018, 12:14 AM
It's horrible when you really bite hard into your tongue. At least he didn't bite it off. lol