View Full Version : Steve Austin Gives Advice To Three WWE Stars

05-13-2018, 08:19 PM
WWE Hall of Famer Steve Austin is always looking to give back to the pro wrestling business.

One of those ways of helping out is to give advice to the younger stars who work for sports entertainment company that he helped grow into the promotion that the WWE is today.

During a recent edition of this podcast, he gave advice to Seth Rollins, Braun Strowman, and Shinsuke Nakamura.

In regards to Rollins, who in the middle of a great run as the Intercontinental Champion, Austin wants to see more brawling out of Rollins rather than high spots but also would like to see him save those big flying moves for his comebacks as a babyface.

“Sometimes he relies on high spot type sequences for his comeback. Sometimes I want to see him use a few more right hands or a little bit just straight up offense rather than high spots. I’m not telling him to be A.J. [Styles]; but, sometimes as that baby face, you’ve got to use good old fashioned knuckles or feet or just strikes, stomps, whatever it takes. If you can keep working his way around it, more power to him; but, sometimes when you are using those high spots as comebacks, it’s like I really want to see Miz have his ass handed to him a little bit more.”

Switching gears to the “Monster of Among Men,” the WWE Hall of Famer sent a friendly warning to the big man in terms of how he works inside of the squared circle.

“He can work. I’ve been a fan for a couple of years now; but, you’ve got to be careful with what you do with Braun Strowman….dude, you’re Alpha. If you don’t get out there and work and act like Alpha every time you get into the ring, you play Beta or second to anybody, you’re going to start losing your mystique or power. I think Braun’s gotta be careful about that and I don’t want to see Braun Strowman do anything funny….with respect to booking Braun, they’re calling him Monster Among Men, Come Get These Hands and all this other stuff. He’s a little like Stone Cold and a lot like Braun Strowman. I don’t need to see a 6’8? 330 pound guy make me laugh, make me smile, bring any warmth to my body – I want to see him go out there and destroy and crush people because he’s capable of doing it and because his desire for the gold belt is so great that’s what drives him…he’s been a competitor his whole life…Braun Strowman, as well as he’s done over the last few years still has a ways to go and he’s not bullet proof. If you start puffing that kid up, you’re gonna diminish him.”

Finally, Austin addressed Nakamura, who has been a program with WWE Champion AJ Styles for the title over the past month or so. The WWE Legend wouldn’t make many changes to Nakamura’s character but does think that WWE officials should lay off doing comedy segments with him.

“I wouldn’t do a whole lot with Shinsuke; but, I’d knock off the comedy because I don’t think he needs that to be entertaining. If Renee [Young] asks him a question, if he just sits there and looks at the camera, because he’s not gonna answer the camera – to me after a period of silence, you just fade out and go to the next match. Then you let Michael Cole and those guys pick it up and, ‘Hey man I think this guy is going to talk when he wants to and not talk when he doesn’t want to.’ That way you can get off of him, leave something to talk about, still be entertaining and not put him in a comedic light because as The King of Strong Style, that’s a statement.”