View Full Version : Former WWE Writer Shares Funny Goldust Story

05-20-2018, 02:10 PM
Goldust might not be the easiest person to go to the movies with. Former WWE writer, Jensen Karp, recently took to Twitter to detail his experience with Goldust in such a scenario. Both attended the 2006 premiere of WWE Studios’ “See No Evil” starring Kane.

“I was a writer at WWE in ‘06 & went to this premiere. Goldust came in full makeup & sat behind me, screaming at all the scary scenes and yelling “DON’T GO IN THERE” to characters for a straight hour and a half. When it ended he whispered in my ear, “Things will never be the same”

It should be noted that Goldust recently celebrated his 10th year of sobriety.

Today is an important day for me. X yrs ago I was on deaths door while drugs and alcohol consumed my everything. But, by the grace of God, I survived. Sobriety is the most important thing in my life, and I am proud of me. #CleanIsCool #KeepSteppin #10Years #GodSobrietyFamily pic.twitter.com/Lx7M7ZmiJE

— Dustin Rhodes (@Goldust) May 19, 2018

Unfortunately for everyone in the theater that day, Goldust was still 2 years away from getting sober.

WWE Studios’ “See No Evil” was released in theaters 12 years ago. It was universally panned by critics and holds an abysmal 8% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Despite this, the film is one of WWE Studios’ rare financial successes. The film cost $8 million to make and grossed over $18.6 million at the box office.

A sequel to the film was released straight to DVD in 2014.