View Full Version : Kurt Angle Teasing Match Against Current Champion

05-30-2018, 06:30 PM
While Kurt Angle has wrestled in several matches since his return at TLC last year, the Raw General Manager is yet to participate in a one on one bout on TV.

Though now the former World Champion is teasing a one on one match for the future, that too against a current Champion from the brand he manages.

Kurt recently shared a photo of himself and current Intercontinental Champion Seth Rollins on Instagram. In the photo as seen below, he asked who wants to see this bout and the post has started rumors of this match taking place in future:

"The Very Best of the Best. From the past, to the present. Who wants to see this match happen??? #itstrue #Rollins #Angle"

https://scontent-atl3-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/d401e0dd60d9542c00e39b3a61f57d29/5BB70CB7/t51.2885-15/e35/32344022_1800162950042469_8858902211627843584_n.jp g