View Full Version : The Miz Explains Why He’ll Never Be A Locker Room Leader In The WWE

06-12-2018, 06:25 PM
The Miz understands his role in the WWE

The former WWE Champion recently appeared on Bust Open Radio on Sirius XM to speak with Dave LaGreca and WWE Hall of Famer Mark Henry about various topics.

During the interview, he was asked if he is a locker room leader. Here is what he had to say:

“No. I don’t think I will ever be a locker room leader like The Undertaker or John Cena. That is just not my role. I am not someone that sits in the back watching the monitor and observing everyone. I have to get in the ring to feel exactly how you are. That is how I teach. I teach by example, instead of saying to them what they did wrong. I need to get in the ring with them and be able to feel what the are doing, so that is how I am able to teach.

I am not one of those people that people go to and people ask for my advice. I don’t know, it’s tough for me to give a person advice when I wasn’t in the ring with them. I don’t know what their mindset is. I don’t know why they did what they did and when they did it. I have to hear an audience, and feel an audience to know exactly why I am doing something.”

The Miz then shifted into how his confidence has grown over the years.

“It feels like now that I have been in WWE for over 12 years, I have developed this confidence where whatever situation I am in I know what to do. I don’t think I have had that type of confidence.

I think that it takes a lot of time; a lot of matches and a lot of years to develop that type of confidence where no matter what situation you are in, you know exactly what to do, get the crowd to wherever you want them and be so confident that even if you fail it is still a success.”
