View Full Version : Rosa Mendes Reveals Her Plan To Return To WWE

06-12-2018, 07:09 PM
Former WWE Superstar Rosa Mendes recently did an interview on Women’s Pro Wrestling Weekly to talk about several professional wrestling topics. Mendes first discussed her passion for professional wrestling and her current mindset:

“I feel like, for me, even when I was in training, I was the first one in the ring and the last one to leave. I still have that work ethic. I am so passionate about pro wrestling. A lot of fans don’t know that because I was a Manager.

“I bring that passion in the ring and I feel like, because I have been in the business for 11 years, I know what it takes to be a top girl. I am not going to stop until I am a top girl and wrestle like a top girl. I know what to do and how to get there, so that is how my motivation is now. That is where my mindset is at right now.”

Now having a child, Mendes discussed how she’ll balance a career as a professional wrestler while still being a mother:

“I know that you can be a great mom and a great wrestler. I just didn’t know that at the time when I had her. I was at the Performance Center, I had a character and was ready to go, but I kept leaving her and I kept thinking that I couldn’t do this anymore. I know that you have to give 100% in WWE and I didn’t know if I could so I made that mature decision to retire. It was the hardest decision, and I still get teary-eyed thinking about it.

“It was the toughest decision of my life, but I knew it was what I had to do at the time. Me being a mom, I hate to put myself over but I will; I am the best mom. I feel like I am such a great mother it’s like, I never even knew I had this in me. I know that I can do both. I know that I can be a great mom and even be a better mom fulfilling my dream. I want to show her that you can be a great mom and inspire other women, it’s all about women empowerment.

“I want to set that example for her because to be honest, my character and who Rosa Mendes, but at the same time I was dancing. I was doing what I love, but I wasn’t fulfilling my ultimate passion, which was to be in the ring. I was shaking my butt and being hot but I never got to be that athletic-powerful woman that I know I can be. I know that I can do both.”

As far as a WWE return goes, Mendes wants to dominate the indy scene and get herself over before returning to the professional wrestling juggernaut:

“I feel like this is my business plan; I want to conquer the independents. I want to dominate in the independents and be super over and have incredible 30-40 minute matches in the independents and show people that I am a great worker and a great performer.

“As soon as I can say that about myself then I am going to talk to them. They may talk to me before then, but I really want to establish myself in the independents before I even step foot in a WWE door again.”

Mendes was then asked if she believes that she could be inducted into the WWE Hall Of Fame one day:

“Thus is the thing, right now, Rosa Mendes would never be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame. I feel because of who I was and because of my character and being a manager. I know some managers have, but if you look back, my best time as a manager was with Primo & Epico, and I did a lot in those matches.

“They got the tag team titles but I just feel like I don’t think it would happen, and I don’t think I would deserve it. I feel like once I go back I want to be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame. I want to make history and I want people to respect my work in the ring.”

Finally, Mendes explained her current situation with the father of her child, Bobby Schubenski:

“This is not going to make sense, but it’s going to make sense for us. We are exclusive, but we don’t have a title. Me and Bobby Schubenski broke up in December, but basically he was so immersed in his business, and I was so immersed in my business and we were both immersed with Jordan that we forgot to take care of each other. We weren’t happy so we decided to separate and work on our businesses and take care of Jordan and figure stuff out, but I miss him, and he misses me, so we decided to work things out.

“The separation was really hard on the both of us. Him and I are very strong-minded people, and strong people, but it hurts, and we don’t ever want to get back to that hurt phase. It was hard for me to work on Totally Fit Mama, like, it was hard for me. We are going to take our time, take things super slow and just figure stuff out and want to see what we both have. We don’t want to go all in right away because we don’t want to break up again. He is so inspiring. I never met anyone that is more motivated than I am.

“I am a big dreamer and a visionary, and he is beyond that so that is one of the things that I fell in love with him for. I never imagined falling in love and meeting someone and feeling like that again. He is hard to beat. Now, I am back in wrestling, and he started his own pro wrestling promotion. To start your own pro wrestling promotion and only have 40 tickets left. The hard part is to draw people and he has gotten all the people. He busts his butt and works so hard. That work ethic that we have in WWE, he has it, which is also what I love more about him as well.”
