View Full Version : WWE Promoting Keith Lee’s Unlimited Potential

08-08-2018, 12:56 AM
WWE believes they have a top prospect in Keith Lee. Few who followed his career on the independents will disagree with that sentiment.

Lee is a former PWG World Champion and a former WWN Champion with Evolve. He was shown in the crowd at NXT Takeover: Chicago II.

WWE released the following promotional video for Lee recently:


Lee sent the following message out on Instagram after his final match with PWG.

"Thank you for everything that is you #PWG and its fans. I am certain I witnessed one of the most beautiful moments in professional wrestling history last night. I had come to PWG for my last show for now. And also to deliver the "Bask In My Glory" hoodie. A man named Mr. Reznick had won it. A beautiful you lady named Lillie (apology if I spelled it wrong Lillie's Dad) was showing so much passion, energy, and love for this great sport. So much so that I believe she also touches Mr. Reznick. For when I went to deliver the hoodie, he then told me to give it to Lillie. The amount of energy and support for her being the recipient was absolutely magical!"

https://scontent-atl3-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/83e12e33a4709c8470ededfe84f622d6/5BFB9A9C/t51.2885-15/e35/32212372_2092110157712499_2914046593491533824_n.jp g

Lee is expected to make his in-ring NXT debut over the next couple of weeks. He taped his first match for the brand at the recent set of tapings held in mid-July.