View Full Version : Triple H Responds To WWE Main Roster Criticisms

08-17-2018, 05:25 PM
Triple H was recently a part of a media conference call to promote this weekend’s SummerSlam and NXT TakeOver events.

“The Game” answered several WWE-related questions. One being in regards to the reception of WWE’s current main roster compared to NXT. A caller pointed out to Triple H that he’s “burned out” by the main roster.

He then claimed he’s more excited for NXT TakeOver this weekend and isn’t really looking forward to SummerSlam. Triple H was then asked if he would like to run the main roster the same way he does NXT:

“I also wish I could fly and breathe underwater. Dude, I wasn’t sure if you were going to ask me a question or you were making a statement about your displeasure. Everybody has opinions on things and positive/negative that’s the beauty in what we do and people are free to express those opinions.

“I’m happy that you like NXT and I’m happy you’re looking forward to that show. You know some people dislike some things, there are other people who dislike what we do in NXT and there are people that like what we do there.

“Everybody’s got an opinion and the great thing for us is no matter what it is, positive/negative, we don’t have a shy fan base that is afraid to let us know. They will let us know and whether we decide to take that message immediately or whether it takes us a little bit to hear it, eventually we hear you.

“So you know, it is what it is but if people dislike something or like something that’s what their voice is for and we encourage that for sure.”