View Full Version : Rey Mysterio’s Son Training With Lance Storm

09-23-2018, 01:43 AM
Lance Storm’s wrestling school has produced several successful wrestlers in recent years. Tenille Dashwood, Tyler Breeze, Chelsea Green, Taya Valkyrie, and Peyton Royce just to name a few.

Rey Mysterio is hoping his son Dominic is the next Storm Wrestling Academy graduate to be successful in the business. Dominic Gutierrez has begun training with Storm in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Mysterio took to Instagram to share photos of Dominic and Storm.

https://scontent-atl3-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/89be8c5788c439ac07535cb7ad8816de/5C222197/t51.2885-15/e35/41039902_1853945944719477_1539675116132952277_n.jp g

Storm isn’t the only person to train Dominic, however. Earlier this year, Jay Lethal also worked with Mysterio’s son.

“He’s up training with Jay Lethal right now,” Mysterio said on the E&C podcast earlier this year. “I’m going to have him train as much as he can in different countries. Right now he’s training with Jay. I want to get him out with Lance in Calgary [Canada]. Is he in Calgary? Yeah, uh huh. And eventually, if I can get him to Japan and to Europe. And the final touch would be the Mexican side. That’s when I get ahold of him and we do one-on-ones, so eventually, when it’s time to tap out and hang up the mask, I would love to leave him set, so he can take over the name and the brand and take it to the next level.”