View Full Version : Jimmy Havoc, Mark and Vicky Haskins Announced for ICW Fear & Loathing XI

10-24-2018, 12:26 PM
Insane Championship Wrestling (ICW) has announced three of the UK’s top stars for their Fear & Loathing XI. Jimmy Havoc, Mark and Vicky Haskins will be heading to the Hydro in Glasgow, Scotland on December 2nd.

Insane Championship Wrestling has also announced that British Strong Style will be heading to Fear & Loathing XI. This will be first time that the BSS stable has appeared as a unit in ICW. Trent Seven is a former ICW World Champion. More interesting is that Pete Dunne actually defended his WWE United Kingdom Championship in the company previously. British Strong Style are arguably the most popular stars from the thriving UK scene. All three are featured heavily on the WWE UK brands and NXT television.

ICW has also announced a huge Women’s Championship match for their Fear & Loathing XI event. Women’s Champion Viper will be facing challenger Kay Lee Ray. Both stars are considered to be amongst the World’s best and have been a featured part of the weekly WoS programme on ITV/STV.

Fear & Loathing XI will be taking place on December 2nd at the SSE Hydro. If you’re an ICW fan you know that the ‘Loathing event is ICW’s biggest in the calendar year and last year’s iteration featured Rey Mysterio, Kevin Nash and Rob Van Dam amongst the homegrown talent.

Tickets are available to purchase via Ticketmaster now.
