View Full Version : Rusev & Lana Removed From Total Divas, Lana Upset With How They Were Portrayed

02-11-2019, 09:55 PM
Lilian Garcia has published Part 2 of her interview with Rusev and Lana from her Chasing Glory podcast. In the first installment, Rusev and Lana vented about their frustrations with WWE and Vince McMahon. This week, the couple revealed some breaking news. They recently learned they’ve been eliminated from the cast of Total Divas after three seasons.

Lana was very upset about the news. She said she and Rusev had been getting positive feedback on their performances from WWE and from Bunim-Murray, the company that produces Total Divas. She thought she and Rusev were primed for their own spin-off show. That was until a meeting with E! Network executives.

“Kevin Dunn told me that E! Executives took a poll and that we are strongly disliked by the demographic, they do not like us and that I’m hated, we’re hated, and that the E! Executives thought that are stories were very slapstick, and they were a strong no.”

Lana was stunned by this news. “I was shocked. I just sat there. It was like my tryout for WWE all over again. I’ve gone through a lot of different range of emotions. I’ll cry, but when I get hurt, I get really angry. That’s how I deal with hurt, I get really angry. Like, who is this new E! Executive?”

She continued through tears, “It’s just that I’m not liked and one part of me is like – and I said that – Mark Carrano and Kevin Dunn was there and I said, ‘Maybe, I’m just not a likable person.’ I know I’m a good person, but maybe I have a boring personality because I’m just not liked.”

Lana believes post-production editing was used to make her look bad, which precipitated her exit from the show.

“There’s so many things in edit that I was royally screwed over,” she said. “They take someone saying something from one thing and put it there. In edit they can do whatever they want and that’s out of your control. If they want to make me more annoying and I have to play that annoying girl, they’ll do that.”

Lana added that she was very displeased with how she was portrayed on the show, but understands that’s what she signed up for with reality television.

“I understand that when you sign up for reality TV, you have to be ready to be not perfect and I was OK with that.”

Rusev added that he has already moved on from Total Divas. “I’ll make my own show. Once I get rejected from somewhere or whatnot, I’m moving on.”