View Full Version : Dana Brooke Recently Considered Quitting WWE

03-27-2019, 10:31 PM
Dana Brooke recently had the opportunity to share screen time with RAW Women’s Champion, Ronda Rousey. Having not been featured on WWE programming for some time, this provided a great chance for Dana to attempt to elevate her stock within the company. She would not only have promo time but a follow-up match against Rousey.

This almost didn’t happen, however, as Dana Brooke recently revealed she was actually close to quitting WWE.

Speaking with Lilian Garcia on Garcia’s podcast, Chasing Glory, Brooke admitted that her scheduled matchup with Natalya being pulled caused her a great deal of frustration and reflection. This would lead her to contemplate leaving the company completely.

Clearly disappointed, she admitted that “I don’t know what more I can do at this point in time. This is not me. I am a strong competitor, inside the ring, outside the ring.”

“When I was told that ‘your match [with Natalya] isn’t happening,’ at that point in time I was just like ‘No. This place does not define me. I am stronger than this. I wanna go and prove to the world that you can’t keep me down.”

Brooke admitted she went backstage, put her head down and thought long and hard before saying to herself that “[…] if I quit now, what kind of example am I gonna be for everyone that’s followed me, who’s supported me, who’s been my backbone through the hardest times. I cannot give up now. I can’t.”

Although she was able to get face time with the champion herself, it’s still too early to determine whether Dana Brooke will be able to levy that into more TV time or a storyline opportunity. Given that her matchup with Rousey saw her leave injured, it may be while longer before Dana gets another shot.