View Full Version : ECW - A 3rd Brand?

Dangerous Incorporated
10-14-2006, 04:49 AM
ECW - A 3rd Brand?

Dave Scherer reports that starting soon the ECW brand will no longer be treated as a seperate company but rather as the 3rd brand of the WWE. Little minor changes such as the women swtiching from being called Vixens to Divas and the males from Extremists to Superstars will take place. There has also been some discussion about removing the ECW logo from the screen and replacing it with the WWE logo. Alot of this is Kevin Dunn's doing. He thinks the fans are confused and don't realise that ECW is a part of the WWE and he says thats the reason for the low ratings. Also expect the product to be toned down alot. Vince McMahon is not a fan of hardcore wrestling and he hated the RVD vs Test match.

Scherer reports as well that there are plans for DX to take over WWE.com for a day very soon.

Tickets for the 2/18/07 No Way Out PPV in Los Angeles, CA go on sale Monday, October 16th.

10-14-2006, 05:00 AM
i dont care about "extremists or vixens" but why tone down the matches a lot? they arent even hardcore.. pathetic. i hate vince and kevin dunn. why have i heard that name kevin dunn.. wasnt he a backstage guy on smackdown a few years ago?

Dangerous Incorporated
10-14-2006, 05:12 AM
To me its seemed that WWE has been treating ECW like a 3rd brand for awhile now. Especially at RAW Family Reunion between the 3 Gm's and now heading towards Cyber Sunday's Champion Of Champions Match.

10-14-2006, 05:47 AM
why have i heard that name kevin dunn.. wasnt he a backstage guy on smackdown a few years ago?

Kevin Dunn is the Executive Vice President of Television Production & Executive Producer of WWE. People always talk about him, in regard to how much they disaprove of him and how much they believe he should be fired.

As for the original post, what kind of dumbass cant tell that ECW is part of the WWE? Half the shows so far have had crossovers from Raw and Smackdown main eventing them. Smackdowns ratings are so low that it is pathetic, does Vince think that fans also dont know that they are part of the WWE too?

10-15-2006, 01:26 AM
I agree with that, it's obvious that it is a WWE brand. It isn't ECW and I can understand that they don't want to risk the health of wrestlers as much as it was in the old days, but a straight out 3rd arm of WWE will be over saturation and they will lose even more viewers.
Just let Heyman do the job he was supposed to do and put on the show he knows how to do and the ratings will go up.

Dangerous Incorporated
10-15-2006, 01:49 AM
Once WWE realise what a big mistake they've done afterwards they'll come back to heyman asking him to fix it again. And then Vince will take over again etc. Vince just wont be happy til it works out his way but with ECW it wont work cuz 90% are all the original die hard fans who love it because of what it was not because of the name ECW.

10-15-2006, 02:16 AM
^I agree. Vince might get to the point where he puts Heyman back in power, but it will probably be too late. ECW's core audience isnt going to wait forever for it to get better.

10-17-2006, 03:55 AM
and is rediculous that Big Shows claims to be the only man to ever hold the WCW, WWE, and ECW titles. does he not realize that his ECW title is under WWE's control?