View Full Version : Randy Orton Comments On Lighting Problem During Match With AJ Styles

04-08-2019, 10:50 PM
AJ Styles defeated Randy Orton last night at WrestleMania 35. In a match many fans had pegged as a potential show-stealer, there was a lighting issue which resulted in many fans having a bright yellow light shining in their eyes.

Orton took to Instagram to comment on the light which reduced fans’ visibility of the match:

https://scontent-atl3-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/738420cb70864a4cd8eb879c0c7e84cf/5D4B501E/t51.2885-15/e35/54512017_2285501135056687_3570477478588060355_n.jp g?_nc_ht=scontent-atl3-1.cdninstagram.com

"For the live crowd that saw this 👆🏼tonight during my match at #WM #wrestlemania at Met Life Stadium tonight, I would like to apologize on behalf of @WWE for screwing up and shining a bright light in your eyes for 95% of our match. You missed a really great fucking match."

WrestleMania 35 was the 16th time AJ Styles and Randy Orton have met in single’s action when house shows are factored in. Styles leads the all-time series 13-3. Orton won the first 3 matches the two had in 2017 but Styles has won the last 13.

With house shows taken out of the equation, Orton and Styles are now 1-1 against each other. Orton had previously defeated AJ Styles on the March 7th, 2017 edition of Smackdown.

Much of the build-up towards AJ Styles vs Randy Orton last night had to do with Styles’ signature phrase of referring to Smackdown as “the House that AJ Styles built”. Orton took exception to this, noting that while Styles was competing for TNA Wrestling and NJPW, Orton was in WWE, building Smackdown.