View Full Version : Lars Sullivan Issues Statement Regarding Offensive Comments

05-10-2019, 09:31 PM
There has been a lot of online activity in recent days regarding past comments made by Lars Sullivan online. Sullivan is believed to have made several offensive remarks regarding race, sexuality, and other topics on a bodybuilding forum a little over a decade ago.

WWE has known about the statements regarding Sullivan since before he was signed to the company. Sullivan recently issued the following statement to media:

“There is no excuse for the inappropriate remarks that I made years ago. They do not reflect my personal beliefs nor who I am today, and I apologize to anyone I offended."

The issue of WWE’s prior knowledge was addressed recently on Wrestling Observer Live:

“(WWE) knew this when they hired him. They have known this forever. They are not going to fire him,” Bryan Alvarez said. “In WWE’s minds, he did this and he apologized for it. He told them that he was wrong and that he was remorseful and in their minds, it is a done deal.”

Big E has been active on social media since he’s been out with injury. A fan on Twitter asked him if he was aware of the Lars situation and E responded with the following:

Many are aware. If true, he has to bear the albatross of being a bigot & working in a company that is now filled with minorities.

— Florida Man (@WWEBigE) May 8, 2019

Former United States and Cruiserweight Champion Kalisto sent out the following:

He just needs to get out of my way….I’m Latino….??

— KALISTO (@KalistoWWE) May 9, 2019

Full List Of Lars Sullivan’s ‘Offensive’ Comments (https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/blxwyg/a_comprehensive_list_of_links_and_screenshots/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)