View Full Version : SD! Ratings, Cena On FSN & New Movie

Dangerous Incorporated
10-14-2006, 11:54 PM
SD! Ratings, Cena On FSN & New Movie

Last night's edition of Smackdown did a 2.3 fast national rating. That is definitely on the low end. The final number will be out next week.

WWE has updated their Corporate website with the latest buyrate information. You can check it out by clicking here. (http://corporate.wwe.com/investors/documents/KeyBusinessDrivers_090.pdf)

The DVD listed at Walmart as "WWE Spectacular Awards", is actually the AWA DVD that has been wrongly titled on their website. It should be listed as "The Spectacular Legacy of the AWA".

John Cena's appearance on FSN's Best Damn Sports Show is available online at msn at this location. (http://video.msn.com/v/us/v.htm?g=8daf0648-650b-4c4d-b5a5-3ec9b378dea8&f=imbot_us_default&fg=rss)

According to KNBC in Los Angeles, producer Joel Simon is saying that there's another John Cena film project scheduled for 2007. Simon expects the project start shooting after Wrestlemania 23.