View Full Version : WWE UK NXT Report / Results - 22nd May, 2019 (Glasgow, Scotland)

06-03-2019, 03:59 AM
Last week, we saw WALTER defend the WWE UK championship against Pete Dunne. WALTER was not alone at the end of the match. He had Marcel Barthel and Fabian Aichner at his side. What is next?

We are in Glasgow, Scotland and your announcers are Vic Joseph and Nigel McGuinness.

WWE UK Champion WALTER makes his way to the ring and he is joined by Marcel Barthel and Fabian Aichner.

Marcel has a mic and he is silenced by the crowd chanting for Dunne. Marcel says we are here to lead you to a better NXT UK. We are here to raise our flag and restore the honor and the professionalism of their sport. We are the ones to lead and we are the ones who hold true power.

Aichner is given the mic and he says Pete Dunne can only get you so far. British Strong Style has expired. None of them had the ability to lead NXT UK in the right direction. Now the responsibility lays in our hands.

WALTER takes the mic and he says to us this mat is sacred. From this day forth, we shall be known as Imperium. Soon . . .

Pete Dunne’s music interrupts and he makes his way to the stage and he is joined by Tyler Bate and Trent Seven. They make their way to the ring.

All six men brawl in the ring with three pairings. We lose the picture as the brawl continues.

We go to commercial.

We are back and order has been restored.

We go to Radzi in the back and he is with Sid Scala. Sid is asked about what just happened and how it will be resolved. Sid says these two groups cannot be kept apart but it cannot happen that way. In two weeks, British Strong Style will face Imperium in a Six Man Tag Match.

Match Number One: Mark Coffey and Wolfgang versus Carlos Romo and A-Kid

Wolfgang with a splash to Romo in the corner as the bell rings. Wolfgang with forearms and he sends Romo into the turnbuckles. Mark tags in and Wolfgang with an Irish whip and Mark with a forearm. Mark with a biel followed by a second one. Mark with a running European uppercut into te corner followed by an Irish whip but Romo moves ot of the way. Romo with a rollup for a near fall. A-Kid tags in and he hits a drop kick followed by a palm strike.

Mark with a choke slam and Wolfgang tags in. Wolfgang with a back senton cross body and he wants Romo to get involved but Wolfgang with an Irish whip to A-Kid. Mark tags in and he connects with a knee to the midsection. Mark with a half nelson and chin lock. Mark turns it into a full nelson and he swings A-Kid around as he holds on to the full nelson.

Mark swings A-Kid again while in the full nelson and then hits a full nelson slam. Mark misses a knee drop and Romo tags in and Romo runs into a Polish Hammer. Wolfgang tags in and Wolfgang with a power slam after Mark gives Romo an enzuigiri to the back. Wolfgang gets the three count.

Winners: Wolfgang and Mark Coffey

After the match, Coffey has to hold Wolfgang back.

Radzi is in the back with Xia Brookside and she is asked about how she is doing. Xia says she has dealt with this before. Rhea came in and tried to pick on the smallest one. Jinny is doing it now, but she is not big enough and Jazzy did all of the work for her.

Isla Dawn shows up that it was a disgrace that she was left alone to deal with Jinny and Jazzy. Isla suggests teaming up to face Jazzy and Jinny.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Joseph Conners says that people claim that Ilja Dragunov is the most physical person in NXT UK. When you stand across from me, you will see.

We take a look at the matches that led to next week’s Fatal Four Way Match to determine WALTER’s next opponent. Will it be Joe Coffey, Jordan Devlin, Dave Mastiff, or Travis Banks?

We see Toni Storm in the back as she gets ready for her match against Nina Samuels.

Match Number Two: Kassius Ohno versus Jack Gallagher

Ohno takes his time getting ready to lock up with Gallagher and they lock up. Ohno with a wrist lock take down. Gallagher with a headstand to escape and Gallagher gets to the ropes. Ohno with a clean break and he applauds Gallagher, but he did not look sincere. Gallagher with a waist lock and Ohno with a single leg take down into an ankle lock.

Gallagher tries to figure out his escape and he gets back to his feet. Gallagher goes for the legs but Ohno is against the ropes and Gallagher backs up and he applauds Ohno in a mocking manner. Ohno with an ankle pick and he returns to the leg. Ohno with an arm bar. Gallagher with a head scissors on Ohno after captivating Ohno with his attempts to escape. Ohno escapes in his own ingenious way. Gallagher stays on the mat as he keeps Ohno at bay. Gallagher with a front face lock into a wrist lock. Gallagher goes for the leg again but Ohno maintains control. Gallagher with a side head lock.

Ohno with an escape into a single leg crab. Ohno ties up the other leg and Ohno with a full nelson to counter an escape attempt by Gallagher. Gallagher escapes the full nelson and he goes for the hand. Gallagher with an arm bar. Ohno with an arm wringer. They go for a Greco Roman Knuckle Lock and each man tries to gain an advantage. Gallagher bridges to keep his shoulders off the mat. Gallagher is caught by Gallagher and Ohno with a power bomb but Gallagher holds on and monkey flips Ohno. Gallagher with a headstand in the corner.

Ohno charges and Gallagher floats over. Gallagher ties himself up and Ohno kicks Gallagher instead of grabbing for the arm. Ohno with an elbow drop. Ohno with a punch and Gallagher is down. Ohno gets a near fall but Gallagher gets his hand on the ropes to stop the count. Ohno with a knee bar into a spinning knee drop to the leg. Gallagher kicks Ohno in the head and Ohno pulls at the knee. Gallagher with forearms and he gains an advantage.

Ohno with a boot to the head and he gets a near fall. Gallagher with a head butt to stop a rolling elbow attempt. Gallagher with a drop kick to the arm. Gallagher with punches and a wrist lock. Gallagher works on the right arm and Gallagher rolls through into a cross arm breaker but Ohno is able to lock his hands. Gallagher applies a triangle and the referee checks on Ohno. Ohno picks up Gallagher but Gallagher escapes. Gallagher with a head butt and Ohno with a back drop onto Gallagher. Gallagher with a jab and Ohno with a chop.

They go back and forth and Gallagher adds European uppercuts while Ohno adds more chops. Ohno with a head butt and Gallagher with a running forearm. Ohno with a rolling elbow for the three count, but Gallagher’s leg was under the rope but the referee did not see it.

Winner: Kassius Ohno

As soon as the referee makes the three count, Ohno pulls Gallagher’s leg back into the ring.

We go to Piper Niven and she is asked about Rhea Ripley’s comments. Piper says actions speak louder than words and she did not come here to talk. She came here to fight. If she wants to fight, she is up for it.

We see Nina Samuels in the back.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at the opening segment of tonight’s show.

Match Number Three: Toni Storm versus Nina Samuels for the NXT UK Women’s Championship

Samuels walks away instead of locking up. Samuels continues to get into Storm’s head by not locking up. They finally lock up and Samuels pushes Storm away. Samuels goes into the ropes to avoid Storm. Storm with a snap mare but Samuels with a cartwheel to land on her feet. They lock up and Samuels with a side head lock into a cravate. Samuels with another cartwheel but Storm kicks Samuels and does a cartwheel of her own as Samuels goes to the floor.

Storm with a leg trip and drop kick for a near fall. Storm with European uppercut and she gets a near fall. Storm with forearms in the corner and the referee pulls Storm out of the corner. Samuels with a kick to Storm and Samuels punches Storm. Samuels stretches Storm in the ropes and then Samuels with a drop kick to the back. Samuels gets a near fall. Storm with an arm bar and chin lock. Samuels pulls Storm to the mat using the hair. Samuels kicks and chokes Storm in the corner. Samuels with a snap mare and a leap frog neck snap for a near fall. Storm with forearms and Samuels with a drop toe hold to send Storm into the turnbuckles. Samuels with a double knee strike to the back and Samuels gets a near fall. Storm with a kick to Samuels.

Storm floats over and Samuels backs Storm into the corner. Storm floats over and hits a German suplex and enzuigiri. Samuels escapes Storm Zero and Storm with an STF but Samuels gets to the ropes. They fight to the apron and Storm goes for Storm Zero on the apron but Storm is sent back into the ring. Samuels with a kick and a slingshot press for a near fall. Samuels goes up top and avoids Storm. Samuels with a back breaker and then she gets Storm on her shoulders but Storm escapes and hits a head butt for a near fall.

Storm with a waist lock and Samuels escapes. Samuels misses a clothesline and Storm with a German suplex for a near fall. Samuels with an inside cradle for a near fall. Samuels with a butterfly back breaker for a near fall. Samuels goes up top but Storm stops Nina. Storm goes for a superplex but Samuels blocks it and Storm is sent to the mat. Samuels with a missile drop kick for a near fall.

Storm with a head butt and butterfly suplex into a second one. Storm with Storm Zero for the three count.

Winner: Toni Storm (retains Championship)

We go to credits.