View Full Version : Brock Lesnar’s Son Plans To Train In Pro-Wrestling

07-15-2019, 04:40 PM
Brock Lesnar won the Universal Championship for the 3rd time last night at Extreme Rules. The former UFC Heavyweight champion and 2x NCAA Division I champion has four children and at least one of them is already considering a career as a pro-wrestler.

17-year-old Luke Lesnar recently participated in an interview with Ride the Wave media in Boston. During the interview he discussed where he hopes to train, and what it was like growing up with Brock Lesnar as his father.

“I grew up in Alexandria, Minnesota,” Luke said during the interview. “Life was pretty easy. In Minnesota, everyone pretty much knew who my dad was. The main thing I had to get used to was people constantly asking for autographs from my dad.”

Luke is a champion wrestler in Minnesota, much like his father was.

“I’m currently wrestling in high school, entering my senior year. 3x Minnesota State Champion. I have thought about college but school isn’t really for me. I pretty much know what I want to do aside from wrestling.”

He then said he is looking at training at OVW to be a professional wrestler.

“There’s a 70% chance I’ll be going to OVW. Other than that, I really want to be trained by Shelton Benjamin.”

Shelton Benjamin and Brock Lesnar used to team together under the name the Minnesota Stretching Crew.

“I’ve been training since I was 13,” Luke continued. “Hockey was my first love and I wanted to play professional hockey but then I got injured. My dad pretty much knew I loved wrestling because I wrestle in high school and was so passionate. Telling him I wanted to follow in his footsteps, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him so happy. From that moment forward, I limited working out and started training in wrestling more.”

Luke said that in 10 years if he isn’t a professional wrestler, he is hoping to run his own fitness program.

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