View Full Version : Boxer Maxim Dadashev Dies From Fight Injuries

07-24-2019, 12:31 AM
Maxim Dadashev has passed away from the injuries he sustained during his fight this past Friday, according to trainer Buddy McGirt and Donatas Janusevicius, Dadashev’s strength, and conditioning coach.

His coach in McGirt stopped the fight after the 11th round and was given a standing ovation for doing so.

“I couldn’t, I couldn’t convince him, but at the same time, I seen him getting hit with more and more clean shots as the fight went on and was saying to myself is this worth it,” McGirt said after the fight. “God forbid, one punch as you know can change a whole guys life and I wasn’t going to let that happen. I’d rather let them be mad at me for a day or two then mad at me for the rest of their life.”

Following the stoppage, Dadashev had trouble walking to the back and collapsed before he got to the locker room. He was then put on a stretcher and rushed to UM Prince George’s Hospital Center. He then had immediate two-hour brain surgery to stop the bleeding in the brain and was in a medically induced coma since then.

Dadshev suffered a brain bleed on the right side and his head was then shaved and scalp opened up where he then starting showing signs of severe brain damage.

The Russian had a wife and a son who traveled with him for the fight.