View Full Version : Maria Kanellis Reacts To Claim By Fan She Was Forced To Win WWE 24/7 Title

08-04-2019, 04:23 PM
WWE 24/7 Champion Maria Kanellis is known to be active when it comes to interacting with fans on Twitter.

Recently, she had to correct a fan over their feelings about her being champion as well as Kanellis being abusive towards her husband Mike Kanellis in storylines on WWE television.

This exchange all started once WWE UK posted a photo of Maria with the title on their Twitter account which led to some responses by fans that she shouldn’t be champion because she’s pregnant.

One fan voiced their take that WWE forced her to be champion as well as her being abusive towards her husband. This proceeded to the fan to call out WWE for mocking domestic abuse towards men.

Here are the comments from WWE fans and the 24/7 champion:

I do like you but if you are pregnant you shouldn’t be competing for a title

— Kieran Postlethwaite (@KieranPoss) August 1, 2019

Wwe forced her also the storyline between Maria and her husband is domestic abuse towards men and mocking it

— MattyWWESmith1998 (@MattSBsmith1998) August 2, 2019

I just turn the channel when I see that crap. No one watches wrestling for cuck angles and domestic abuse angles. It got shat on in 99 when they did this with the PMS/ D Lo stuff and they are now.

— Añdrew Dawsoñ (@OriginalDawson) August 2, 2019

NO ONE forces me to do anything except my two tiny humans. Both forced me to stop staying up late, stop eating deli meat, stop being selfish, stop taking long shower, etc…

— MariaKanellisBennett (@MariaLKanellis) August 2, 2019

With the launch of AEW and getting a weekly television deal with TNT that will kick off later this year, WWE has been making big money offers to talent to keep them under contract.

The married couple who is expecting their second child, joined several other stars to stay with the promotion by signing new contracts for another five years.