View Full Version : Steve Austin Talks Drinking With Ric Flair At WWE RAW Reunion

09-05-2019, 11:58 AM
As previously noted, WWE Hall Of Famer Steve Austin recently welcomed his favorite professional wrestler, two-time WWE Hall Of Famer Ric Flair to The Steve Austin Show. Among many other things, Austin and Flair discussed their extracurricular activities surrounding the WWE Monday Night RAW reunion episode. Also, the two professional wrestling greats discussed whether they would have seen success with a feud in their primes.

Apparently, Austin and Flair spent a lot of time together leading up to the RAW reunion show, hanging out, telling stories, and drinking alcohol. Although Flair joked that "[Austin] gave my pacemaker its first real run," Austin claimed that Flair kept his drinking in check.

"Yeah, I was talking about the RAW reunion a little bit and I said, 'man, I was down there at the bar with Flair and Flair was telling stories, so if Flair's telling stories, I'm not going to tap out. I'm going to keep drinking!' And then, people started jumping on [Flair's] ass saying, 'well, Ric Flair's not supposed to be drinking.' I saw [Flair] nurse about two or three Bud Lights and Bud Light is about as light as you can get in the alcohol category. And [Flair] nursed them all night long." Austin continued, "well, let me tell you something about the next day. I was kind of hungover the next day because I always pace myself here at the house, but [Flair was] telling stories all night long. [Flair] was kind of holding court. I was like a parrot. I was right behind [Flair], damn near on [Flair's] right shoulder laughing my ass off. And every time I would give the guy the signal to bring me another margarita or another Jack and Coke or another beer - he didn't make a margarita worth a s--t - so anyway, I kept rotating all my different alcohols."

According to Austin, he lost his voice at the RAW reunion show from partying too hard with Flair and then chatting up the current WWE Superstars all day.

"By the time I showed up at Monday Night RAW, I had stayed up so late with [Flair] two nights in a row. And then, [Flair] brought in this cast of characters," Austin recalled. "And by the time we got to the RAW reunion, I was talking to the WWE Superstars for like eight hours before we went on air. By the time I went out to go cut my promo, my voice was basically gone because I had partied too hard with [Flair] and then talked my voice out, so I effed myself is what I did."

Also during the show, Flair joked that he will drink whenever he is with Austin despite what doctors tell him.

"Anytime I can see Steve Austin, I'm going to jump at it," Flair claimed. "I don't care what the doctors say - I'm going to have some drinks! What a way to go! Hey listen, my motto was that I want to die either on top of Wendy or in the ring. Now it's with the boys or doing [Austin's] podcast!"

On the subject of what kind of business a feud between Austin and Flair could have done, Austin guessed that 'The Nature Boy' versus 'Stone Cold' could have been big box office had 'The King Of Attitude' not been burnt out from WWE.

"I got a chance to work with [Flair] towards the end of [Flair's] career and towards when I was getting a bit frazzled or burned out," Austin recalled. "But 'Stone Cold' and Ric Flair could've set some box office records."

Flair concurred that Austin versus Flair could have set records everywhere if they worked together when they were both in their primes.

"If I were 35 years old and I would've met [Austin] when [Austin] was 35 years old, I mean, I can't help but say this. We would've set records everywhere." Flair continued, "[Austin] was one of these guys who set the pace for an entire era. I think I did that too, but there were so many great guys in my era. [Austin] set the pace with that Attitude Era that everybody fell in line with. And I've heard Vince [McMahon] and others acknowledge that too."