View Full Version : The Undertaker Comments On Why He Didn’t Appear On SmackDown FOX Premiere

10-06-2019, 04:49 PM
WWE loaded up the premiere episode of SmackDown on FOX with several legends advertised for the show including The Undertaker.

However, Taker, just like many other legends didn’t appear on the broadcast in the ring or even a backstage segment.

Instead, WWE had some of them were interviewed or filmed while on the blue carpet that served as the pre-show before the episode went live.

Taker posted a photo on his official Instagram account to hype the show and responded to a fan who was asking why he didn’t make his advertised appearance.

This is where he responded with “I was told I wasn’t needed.” You can see the post here:

https://scontent-atl3-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/961c4cd638ea1989f0098a7e5a8bf0d0/5E39566E/t51.2885-15/e35/71517358_3506750139338715_1939885395931618403_n.jp g?_nc_ht=scontent-atl3-1.cdninstagram.com&_nc_cat=1

The former WWE Champion was last seen on WWE television last month on the SmackDown show in New York City, NY at Madison Square Garden.

WWE is advertising Taker for the Crown Jewel pay-per-view on Thursday, October 31st from the King Fahd International Stadium in Riyadh. As of this writing, he doesn’t have a match booked for the show.

The last time that Taker appeared on SmackDown Live came back on the June 4, 2019 episode where he had a staredown with Goldberg.