View Full Version : Renee Young Comments On Her & Jon Moxley Working For Different Companies

11-05-2019, 08:19 PM
Renee Young says that there is nothing weird about having her husband Jon Moxley working for another wrestling company. She spoke to the Sports Illustrated Media podcast recently about what things have been like at home since Moxley left WWE.

“It’s not weird at all. As soon as we’re both home and have a glass of wine, he has his Jack & Diet Coke and we just talk about wrestling,” she said. “We talk about what my day is like, what his day is like. It’s an interesting time for all of wrestling. I’m sure people would like to be flies on the wall of our room. There are some interesting conversations that have happened, that’s for sure.”

Young continued by saying that Jon Moxley eats, sleeps and breathes professional wrestling. Even when he’s at home, he can’t help but talk about the business. At times, Renee has to change the subject and can distract him by putting on a television show they both enjoy, “This is Us.”

“When you’re married to Jon Moxley, that man likes to talk about wrestling,” said Renee. “Sometimes I need to cleanse my pallet like, ‘Can we just put on ‘This Is Us’ and not talk about wrestling for a minute? That would be great.’ He’s a big ‘This Is Us’ fan. He is a layered man. There’s much behind those crazy eyes.”