View Full Version : Bret Hart Reveals He Has Skin Cancer

01-31-2020, 04:13 PM
Bret Hart posted on Facebook recently that the doctors discovered a basal cell carcinoma on his shoulder. The Hitman also noted that he has surgery scheduled to have the skin cancer removed next week.

Hart posted the following to his official Facebook page:

“Goal for 2020 and beyond: wear more sunscreen! Basal cell carcinoma removal scheduled soon. Another opportunity to remind everyone to look after your health and #getchecked.”

Hart is booked at the upcoming WrestleCon event in Tampa Bay over WrestleMania weekend. He will be at George Steinbrenner Field on April 4th and 5th. Hart advertised the appearances on Instagram recently:

"Upcoming appearances: April 3rd & 4th, 2020 – Wrestlecon 2020 at George M. Steinbrenner Field in Tampa, Florida. Click on link in my bio to purchase tickets"

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Jim Ross recently spoke about Bret Hart’s return to WWE in 2010 on an episode of his podcast.

“I was happy. Anytime you can spend quality time with Bret Hart, you are better off for it,” Jim Ross said on the show.

“I’m shocked that somebody isn’t using Bret to help coach, teach, motivate young talents,” he continued. “He’s brilliant, brilliant mind. Great worker, one of the best I ever saw in my entire life.”