View Full Version : Big Show Thinks The Current WWE Locker Room Is “Too Friendly”

02-25-2020, 05:19 PM
WWE Superstar The Big Show recently joined “Stone Cold” Steve Austin on Broken Skull Sessions. During their conversation, Big Show was asked about the current state of WWE’s locker room. Given Show’s extensive career, he has undoubtedly witnessed the ever-changing attitudes within the locker room, making him a knowledgeable spokesperson on the subject. Right now, he believes the current WWE roster is “too friendly” with each other.

“It’s too nice. Too friendly,” he revealed. “People are too comfortable and too happy to be working there. Vince will tell you himself, ‘if you don’t step on toes, you’re never gonna make it in this business.’ I wanna see some toe-stepping.”

Big Show continued, “I’m not saying be a dick in the locker room. I wanna see somebody that stands up, does business, and has that drive that, if he has to eat through somebody, that’s fine. We’re not all friends. We’re here to make money. I think we’re making good progress with somebody like Drew McIntyre. I’ve always liked Drew.”

He explained how McIntyre looks like a million bucks with his new attitude. Show noted how he McIntyre isn’t “handing out flapjacks.” He then stressed how he isn’t knocking the New Day before sharing how he’d love to see Big E make an impact of his own and become more aggressive.
