View Full Version : WWE Superstar Cesaro Talks ‘Beach Ball’ Incidents

04-13-2020, 05:43 PM
WWE Superstar Cesaro recently appeared on The New Day’s ‘Feel The Power’ podcast. The ‘Swiss Superman’ discussed a number of topics from his WWE career, including the incidents involving ‘beach balls’ in the crowd. The most infamous was during SummerSlam 2017, when Cesaro went into the crowd and ripped up a beach ball on camera.

“Magic things like that just happen and you cannot plan that.” Cesaro began, recalling the moments. “I love it right. So, that was in Brooklyn. And I remember it must have been, I think it was like SummerSlam right? I think it was SummerSlam or something like that.”

Cesaro then talks about an incident that may or may not have occurred, unfortunately there’s some inconsistencies in the story. “Maybe a couple of months earlier it was me and Sheamus against Rollins and Ambrose, and it was at the Royal Rumble. We ended up going on after the Men’s Royal Rumble match and I think that was when Shinsuke won it.”

Nakamura actually won the Royal Rumble in 2018, and after that match Sheamus and Cesaro faced Seth Rollins and Jason Jordan. Watching the match back there doesn’t appear to be any incident, so he may have just got confused with another bout. Potentially from a house show around that time.

“So the crowd just was crazy (following Shinsuke’s win) and we go out and it’s just really hard to get them back into the match. Certain spots on the card are sometimes tougher to get the crowd into it. But I’m always like ‘no, forget it. Don’t worry, we’ll, we’ll get them out, I’ll find a way.’ We all find a way to do something.”

Cesaro elaborated further, talking about the crowd not reacting to the match itself. “You’re look up and there’s frickin’ beach balls, and I’m like ‘why are they not paying attention?’ I look over there’s a beach ball. We’re all just trying our hardest to make it great right? I think Sheamus and Rollins are in there and like Sheamus is like ‘what’s going on?’ Because like he doesn’t see the beach balls he’s focused on [what’s going on] in the ring right? And I just look at Sheamus, I see the beach balls jumping around and I’m like ‘I don’t want to jump in the crowd, and then not get the beach ball. I’d look like an idiot (laughs).'”

Cesaro finished by discussing how cathartic the feeling was of destroying the distraction to his match. “I wait till like one of our security or something just secures it, so now it’s in one place. And I just look at Sheamus he goes like ‘DON’T MOVE’ (laughs). I run over and grab it. It’s just like one of those like ‘no screw you (the fans) this is OUR thing.’ So when I saw that beach ball I was like ‘okay I’m not gonna let that beach ball ruin my match.’ I was like, ‘SCREW THAT BEACH BALL THIS IS MY MATCH!’. Again an organic moment that was authentic."