View Full Version : Edge Releases Statement On “The Greatest Wrestling Match Ever”

06-14-2020, 09:07 PM
Edge and Randy Orton faced off in a Last Man Standing match at WrestleMania. It was Edge’s first match in 9.5 years. Orton then challenged him to a traditional wrestling match at Backlash tonight. The match has since been billed “The Greatest Wrestling Match Ever.”

Edge took to social media recently to speak about the challenge of the match being billed as it has been.

“This is my first pure wrestling match in 9.5 years. After having another neck fusion and my right wrist fused(my “good” hand). At 46 years old. Being billed beforehand The Greatest Wrestling Match Ever. During a pandemic. With limited audience. Kinda crazy. Kinda fun. MASSIVE challenge,” Edge wrote.

He would continue to say that he really did pour his heart into this match. The bout between Orton and Edge has already been taped but will air tonight on the WWE Network.

“What I can say is that I have poured my full heart and soul into this match. I’ve studied. Didn’t sleep much. Because I care. I care about my work ethic. I care about my body of work.”

He would continue to say, however, that the “Greatest Wrestling Match Ever” is subjective. His full statement can be read in the Instagram post below:

"This was a very pressure filled month. Pressure I put on myself. To perform. To prove to myself I could still perform at the level I want and expect. To give our fan base something to enjoy and talk about. To hopefully give them the same feeling I get watching @brethitmanhart matches. That’s a big task. This is my first pure wrestling match in 9.5 years. After having another neck fusion and my right wrist fused(my “good” hand). At 46 years old. Being billed beforehand The Greatest Wrestling Match Ever. During a pandemic. With limited audience. Kinda crazy. Kinda fun. MASSIVE challenge. And if you (think you;)know me? Then you know I live for these challenges. I’d rather be put to this task than leave it to someone else.

As Teddy Roosevelt said; “the man who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.” What I can say is that I have poured my full heart and soul into this match. I’ve studied. Didn’t sleep much. Because I care. I care about my work ethic. I care about my body of work. I care about and love this art form more than any other. Nothing else compares. It’s my childhood dreams come true. That’s the why.

Just know that when you watch Backlash, you will see two men, two professionals, two WRESTLERS, giving you EVERYTHING they have on that night. Against my toughest opponent. Against my greatest opponent. “GREATEST MATCH EVER”? All subjective. Can’t worry about it. But I’ll walk away proud knowing it all got left in the ring to tell the story. And hopefully give all of your minds a little break from what’s going on in the world. #Backlash"

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06-14-2020, 09:13 PM
It could and would never will/would be the greatest wrestling match ever. But it's nice to see WWE use the term wrestling again.

No doubt it's going to be a good match, but no way it's anyway near the greatest wrestling match ever.

06-14-2020, 09:43 PM
It could and would never will/would be the greatest wrestling match ever. But it's nice to see WWE use the term wrestling again.

No doubt it's going to be a good match, but no way it's anyway near the greatest wrestling match ever.

It's great that WWE pre-recorded this match a few days ago because it allows them to play with/change the match to make it better. I'm sure they will cut sections out and re-arrange the match to come across better but, you're right, it won't and can't be the greatest wrestling match.

Gawd knows why they started using that tagline in the first place.