View Full Version : Arn Anderson Believes WWE Missed An Opportunity To Turn Kevin Owens Into A Top Baby Face

06-16-2020, 04:10 PM
All Elite Wrestling’s Arn Anderson believes that WWE missed an opportunity to turn Kevin Owens into one of their top babyfaces. Speaking on his ARN podcast, Anderson spoke about how WWE and Vince McMahon should have leaned into the reaction Owens received after he defeated John Cena at 2015’s Elimination Chamber event.

“If you’re going to listen to the audience throughout this thing, then Kevin Owens became a star that night,” Anderson explained. “If you don’t listen, no matter what you have booked or written down for the next 3 weeks, don’t you switch your plans too: here’s my new baby face?”

Anderson highlighted how Kevin Owens is capable of delivering both in the ring and on the mic. He stressed how he is a perfect anti-hero and can play an everyday man that packs a lot of power: “[Kevin Owens] doesn’t look like he can pop-up power bomb Mark Henry, but he can, I’ve seen it, more than once.”

He spoke about how the audience reaction to Kevin Owens was so positive, WWE should have switched gears “the very next day.” Anderson noted how by beating Cena acted as a major launching pad for his main roster debut and that WWE should have given the fans what they wanted to see.

Following his successful Elimination Chamber victory, Kevin Owens would subsequently lose to Cena at both Money in The Bank and Battleground. Having him lose remains a decision that Anderson feels hurt Kevin Owens initial push and momentum. He explained how Owens never should have lost those two matches and that his push should have been “first class, steam roll, straight ahead.”


06-16-2020, 09:18 PM
It isn't as simple as giving someone the Stunner as a finishing move, I'm afraid. I like Owens and think he was a good heel a few years back with Jericho. He's definitely being underutilised at the moment tho.