View Full Version : Brock Lesnar Accused of Sexual Harassment By Terri Runnels

06-23-2020, 05:23 PM
The #SpeakingOut movement has put professional wrestling under the microscope.

A number of British performers - some involved in WWE, others on the independent scene - have been accused of sexual harassment and assault in the past week.

It's clear that this isn't just a problem in the UK, either.

More recently, AEW's Sammy Guevara has been suspended for comments he made about Sasha Banks in 2016, while a number of other stars have been accused of wrongdoing.

Following the Speaking Out movement, WWE legend Terri Runnels has accused Brock Lesnar of sexual harassment, recalling an incident that happened a number of years ago.

"I don’t have a lot of respect for Brock, I don’t think Brock respects wrestling fans," Runnels told the KEE on Sports Podcast in an episode posted on Sunday.

"Brock did something that if it was in today’s day and time...You know.

"He showed his penis to me and called my name as I was walking past where he was in the dressing room and opened his towel so I could see his manly bits."

"I would have much rather him not be so disrespectful of a female that’s been in this business for as long as I have been.

"He knew he was gonna have a lot of power, that they were gonna give him the strap but at that point, I’d been in this business a long time.

"I have respect and what he did was very very wrong. From a respect standpoint, from a sexual harassment standpoint, it was wrong."

This is not the first time Runnels has mentioned the incident with Lesnar, previously speaking about it in 2004.

Behavior like this is unacceptable, whether it happened over 15 years ago or not.

The Speaking Out movement will force pro wrestling into changing for the better and while there are more recent issues that need addressing, it's important Runnels' words are not ignored.

06-23-2020, 06:06 PM
I'd imagine that she's talking about the period April-August 2002 because she mentions that "He knew they're going to give him the belt soon". I wonder if he tried this on Sable..