View Full Version : Keith Lee Shares His Own #SpeakingOut Story

06-24-2020, 10:03 PM
NXT North American Champion Keith Lee released a statement on social media yesterday. Lee tells the story of having been at a bar one night and possibly having been drugged. He said that even people close to him are not aware of the story but he felt compelled to share in the hopes that it helps others.

“I’m going to share a story with you that very, VERY few know. I am watching friends and associates #SpeakOut. I am noticing how much strength it is taking for them to bring forth their stories. I shall share one of my own.”

Lee continues to tell the story about being in Dallas for a show in either 2016 or 2017. He met a young lady while doing karaoke at a bar. Lee details the woman letting him know she was interested in him but he declined her advances due to not being single at the time.

“Unfortunately… it’s right around here things become extremely fuzzy for me. No matter how much I rack my brain, all I find myself able to recall is struggling to make it to the stage…and stumbling toward a car. After that… I recall waking up naked in a hotel room (I don’t even recall if it was my own room), confused and in a panic. I was fortunate enough to have my essentials such as wallet and phone. But…who knows what all I lost.”

The full statement can be read in the Tweet below:
