View Full Version : Seth Rollins Comments On WWE’s Positive COVID-19 Results

06-30-2020, 11:33 PM
Seth Rollins has shared his thoughts on multiple WWE Superstars testing positive for COVID-19. Speaking with NYPost.com, Rollins revealed the confirmed cases led to a lot of quick decisions being made. One of these decisions was added testing and being swabbed “every single time before these tapings.”

Rollins noted how these additional steps “puts you in a little bit of a hole” as Superstars had to accommodate for further travel and testing. He added how “[…] now you are going to have to leave a day early, and when you don’t know you have to leave a day early until it all comes up it becomes a bit of a hassle.” These scheduling changes were “[…] going to force us to go back down again this week to do some more tapings.”

Rollins spoke about how the United States and the world needed to start learning more about coronavirus. Right now, “we are just trying to get a protocol in place that makes sense for everybody in WWE.”

The “Monday Night Messiah” stressed that he is “extremely happy” that WWE is testing everyone before going into the WWE Performance Center.

He hoped that this process will minimize the risk of people getting sick within the WWE PC. This approach would also affect on Superstars unknowingly passing it around to people outside.

Seth Rollins stated that the extra travel days weren’t a “big deal” before noting how the past week has been “crazy” following the positive results:

“It was a lot of people scrambling to make decisions and to try to figure out what the best order of operations is regarding this situation since we had not had this problem yet.”

He broke down how WWE has some “good stuff” coming up insofar as how WWE will approach testing and its future coronavirus testing procedures.

According to Rollins, WWE’s communication has been a lot better toward the tail end compared to the beginning of the pandemic.