View Full Version : Jimmy Korderas Reacts To Apollo Crews' Reportedly Missing WWE Extreme Rules Due To COVID-19

07-23-2020, 09:24 PM
During The Horror Show at Extreme Rules, the WWE Universe saw an unusual result to the WWE United States tile match as MVP defeated Apollo Crews by forfeit. MVP would then take the title and leave the show proclaiming himself the new champion. The storyline reason was that Crews couldn't compete due to injuries suffered at the hands of Bobby Lashley but many think there's more to the story.

Former WWE referee Jimmy Korderas weighed in on that when he joined The Wrestling Inc Daily podcast.

"They did kind of reference it in a backhanded way by saying he didn't clear medical without elaborating. Obviously, in a situation like that now we start thinking more for Apollo Crews and his actual health and hope for the best in that situation," said Korderas. "Could it have been handled differently? I don't know, I kinda like MVP bragging about it and he can play it off in different ways. He's very good on the mic and he can probably get away with making you get back invested in this story once Apollo gets better and is cleared to come back. But we shall see."

When someone in AEW tests positive for COVID, they sometimes publicly announce it and appear to be trying to be more transparent with their fans. With WWE that's not always the case, which makes fans wonder whenever a certain Superstar goes weeks without appearing on TV. Korderas was asked which method of dealing with COVID related issues that he prefers between the two promotions.

"I hate to be wishy washy with this and sound like I'm on the fence but I am on the fence with this. It's 50/50 for me because I get wanting to be transparent with your audience and that totally makes a lot of sense. But at the same time, this is people's personal medical issues and to make them public like that kinda makes me feel uneasy if that makes any sense," said Korderas.

"If the actual person says, 'Yes, go ahead and say it on TV. I don't care.' Alright, fine. But some guys might not be comfortable because now it's out there in public and people react to these things in different ways and may not be as receptive when they come back. I don't know; this is a tough one and I don't think there's a right or wrong."

Along those lines, many WWE Superstars have suddenly been missing from TV for a while which only makes fans wonder even more. Korderas said even before the pandemic this was a normal thing to happen.

"Not to make light of the situation, but does that surprise you? It happens all the time in WWE where all of a sudden people are not in storylines anymore and you're wondering, 'Why aren't they on television,' asked Korderas.

"I get it – it's tougher now without an audience to kinda gauge things. But at the same time… I don't know. I digress."